Filter inside or out?


Well-Known Member
Just got my grow cabinet built and I have a 90 cfm fan...rigging a filter inside is just as easy as outside, is there a preferred way? Is one way easier on the motor than the other?

Its a shaded pole blower like this:



Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about this too while I wait for my fans to get here. Inside will take up growing space in the box, outside means the box itself takes up more space. You must decide where you want your fan wire to go, and if you even have space inside. Either way, won't make a difference.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about this too while I wait for my fans to get here. Inside will take up growing space in the box, outside means the box itself takes up more space. You must decide where you want your fan wire to go, and if you even have space inside. Either way, won't make a difference.

Well I'm using a homebox, so everything tucks up in the corner out of the way. I was just wondering if it made a difference as to how the motor performed, and the odor control of out vs in.



Well-Known Member
oh, considering thats a blower, you're probably better off with the fan on the inside pushing air though the filter on the outside. Looks like you have both fan and filter on the inside (i hope not)??