filling cracks with baking soda?

It's always funny when I'm harvesting giant plants and I cut a branch off that has been splinted and wrapped with duct tape....I consider those special buds....

Duct tape and a piece of bamboo support pole is all ya need.....if mine split down the main stem late in flower because of weight.....I take some small cotton rope I have...soak it in water and then wrap the stem with multiple tight layers of the rope.....once the rope dries it gets even tighter.....always have good results....but nowadays I just support my plants to avoid such things....usually any problems are from me being stoned or impatient while training and breaking shit.....GL

Duct tape FTW
I roll my stems to soften them so they fold over rather than tip the branch and sometimes they bust open. The colas on the ends of those branches always seem to be bigger than the others so I stopped worrying about it long ago so just do it on purpose now. :)
I'm a big fan of supercropping. You nearly have to mangle a branch off to kill it generally.
Baking soda cures CA (cyanoacrylate) glues instantly

If you drip "hot" CA glue into a little pile of baking soda it will emit a little puff of cyanide-laden smoke. Don't breathe that