Fill/Drain fittings for my E/F SoG....

A2 Burnout

Active Member
I'm trying to put together my own fill and drain fittings but am having a really hard time finding what I need at lowes. Has anyone made their own before and could help me out a bit? Thanks.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Lowes >>>>>>> Home Depot when it came to doing mine.

I got plastic/rubber washers for both sides, aquarium silicon, plumbers tape. All the fittings I got were near the PVC area in the back and in the sprinkler area. Hard to fully explain what I bought but just browse around till you find something that fits well. If you aren't on a huge time crunch, I would suggest just going to or some other hydro store online and just buy the premade attachments they have. Way easier. Plus you can get other items if you need.


Well-Known Member
botanicare makes awesome fittings you could easily use DIY. search botanicare flood and drain fittings. $4 ea. if you have time to ship

corral hollow kid

Well-Known Member
DAMMIT! After I read this thread I was cleaning my small flood tray (cuz I was soooopid enough to pour Hydroton pellets into the bottom of the tray and that make a humongous mess to clean up) and the tray was slippery and I dropped it...right onto the damn drain fitting! Now I have to go get a new one tomorrow!:wall:

Life goes on!!!

A2 Burnout

Active Member
Thanks for all the idea guys!

The ones at BG are only 3.95...thats about what it would cost to just make a set. lol. Probably just going to buy them there. Thanks again guys!