Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

OK, so I posted in the CFL section but I realize this section is more my style. Here is what I've got so far... my cab is 26.5Hx14.5Wx18"D, so not a lot of room, and I'm planning on 6 23w cfl bulbs, one passive intake and 2 exhaust fans. I'd like to see what kind of tips and tricks or suggestions people may have for me. I've attached a few pics of my current progress. I know it's ghetto so you don't need to tell me. Thanks for any input RIU!


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's going to be a really tight fit for 6 cfls, It doesn't really appear like you have much room but pictures are always deceiving.

I'm not sure if that box will suit you well as I see rust forming at the bottom.
Me thinks the humidity of your cab is going to cause further rusting and I'm quite sure smoking rust isn't the healthiest of things.

I would suggest you try to find a cabinet or wardrobe off of craigslist or something instead, It will do you a lot better.
Yeah, I was thinking about getting a small end table or something, this was just at hand with no use and about to be scrapped so I figured I'd try. After putting the lights in there definitely isn't much room. Much less than I was anticipating so I think I'm just going to get something else. It was worth a try though. Thanks for the input, I didn't really think about the rust either. Looks like I'll be doing some shopping.


Well-Known Member
hi, if that's all you have got, I say go for it, maybe put the electrics in the top draw, drill holes for the cables in the bottom of the top draw, main electrical supply out of the back of the cab. scrub rust with wire wool and hoover out well, then paint with some anti rust paint, hopefully white, and over the top of that paint with a flat white paint, like ceiling paint, now the cab should look a bit better :-). screw some 2"x1" wood on either side of the cab at the top of ur grow area, alternate 2 ceramic/plastic lamp holders onto the 2x1", as I think 4 cfl`s @ 23w will do, u will need to raise the mj to get closer to the lights. if you don't know how to wire it all up, message me. hope this helps :-)
Wow, I can't believe I didn't think about that top drawer for all the cords. Good lookin' man. I'm gunna try your ideas and see what I can come up with. If this doesn't work I'm sure I can spare 20 bucks for something on craigslist but I have everything you've mentioned so if I can save a few bucks I damn sure will. Thanks for the suggestions!
That's entirely possible. I won't know until I get my fans though, I'm not even going to bother testing until then. I plan on 2 exhaust fans and passive intake holes by the way. I think I'm going to get two 150CFM pc fans but we'll see.
I'm also going to drop to 4 cfl's. I have 4 2700k and 4 5000k. Will the 5000k work for the short veg time I'm planning? Or should I try and bump it to 6500? I know the 2700k are best for flower, will 4 23w be enough to get me through flower? I'm not looking for a large harvest, I'm just looking to actually make it to harvest. If I get one smoke-able gram I will be pleased.


You can do wonders with that cab. Sure there might be a bit of rust, but so long as you line the inside with mylar or something, it shouldn't really be an issue. I'd recommend using one powerful full spectrum cfl light over several smaller lights, though. Less wiring to worry about and easier to control the heat (one fan blowing on the light). If you already have the six lights though, go for it.

This can definitely work though.


Well-Known Member
You can do wonders with that cab. Sure there might be a bit of rust, but so long as you line the inside with mylar or something, it shouldn't really be an issue. I'd recommend using one powerful full spectrum cfl light over several smaller lights, though. Less wiring to worry about and easier to control the heat (one fan blowing on the light). If you already have the six lights though, go for it.

This can definitely work though.
It will work but he will do a lot better getting a larger cab if he hasn't already started yet. He could use that for veg or something.
Hey notballin, thanks for the positivity. As for lights it was much cheaper to get the 23w bulbs compared to say a 125 or 150. I'd love to have one larger bulb but I didn't have $$$ to blow on one. I got 4 2700k and 4 5000k for 15 bucks. Maybe later in the grow I'll upgrade if funds become available, or if I decide to switch cabs, we'll see.

Hey chibz, I'm definitely on the hunt for a bigger cab but I still want to see what I can do with this one. It may end up just becoming a veg cab but we'll see where the road leads me, eh?


Well-Known Member
I'm using a dresser for my cab. The only thing that worrys me about a metal cab is the electricity. If any DIY wiring comes loose and grounds out to the cab the you could be in trouble. Just my .02 cents, I would be extra careful how I set up my lighting. Also a metal cab may be harder to modify for things like fans etc. even my particle board one is a pain in the dick to drill new holes for the fans. If budget is a concern I would say look at the Rubbermaid grows or check out space buckets. Both appear to be cost effective and work well for people. He'll I've seen threads on here where people pull some serious weight out of cardboard boxes. I would save money for things like fans and good lights. Just use what you have for a cab that is free. Good luck man,


Active Member
That's easy enough to make work. I don't know why there's comments about the rust. Those small patches could easily be removed with some sand paper. It looks like a promising cab. Good luck!
DIY shouldn't be an issue but thank you for the concern, if I do decide any DIY I'll be sure to come right here to RIU though. I have plenty of clamp work lamps and I'm just going to put a power strip in the top drawer and hang the lights through the bottom of the drawer. I thought about the Rubbermaid tubs but this needs to be as stealth as possible. A couple of glowing tubs in the corner aren't very inconspicuous lol. I suppose a cardboard box could work too, but since I already started this project, I'm going to stick with this cab. The plan is to eventually get into a bigger cab eventually... "eventually" being the key word.


Well-Known Member
Ye just stick with this for now, and besides you never know whats around the corner or what people might throw away in a skip as junk/rubbish in future


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what I was saying. Use what's free. I think the filing cabinet will work out fine. I don't see rust affecting anything at all. It's probably just going to be harder to work with than other stuff since it's metal. Any idea what you are going to be growing yet?
I just have some bagseed right now. some bubba kush and some no name dank from around here, and some supposed girl scout cookies (it did taste a little thin mints and look a little like the GSC i've seen but i'm not 100% it was gsc). I have a ton of "mid grade" seeds I got when I was down in Ohio too. I wanna get a full run or two under my belt with this set up before I invest into seeds so I'll probably just run my bubba beans.
Yeah, I've seen some pretty dank stuff come from shit schwag seeds so I'm sure I can pull something good off these. So I've changed up things a bit, just mocking it up. Putting the wires in the top drawer really seems to have opened things up. What do you guys think? I would really like to get these bulbs sideways too... you guys have any ideas?


I need some ideas on how to light seal this thing too. For the sides I'll probably just put some gasket material but I need ideas for between the top drawer and the grow area.