figuring it out


Well-Known Member
At first i thought they were getting bunrt from the light had it at about 8 in its a 432 watt t5 but i raised it last night and now its still turning yellow.. they popped out the dirt the 12th or 13th ive been watering very light and no nutes. I raised the light a about a foot away and figured they were kind of dry so gave them a much more thorough watering not till run off but wet the coco much more. Please let me know what you guys think(p.s i did the watering today in hopes it helps)



Well-Known Member
Focus on the leaves next time, lol. The only nutes you might need that early in coco are CalMag if it's new coco.
Yea i know :\ slipped by the radar..... it was new coco so should i use a little cal mag even though its only been up about 10 days?


Well-Known Member
Soil has some nutes already in it depending on brand etc. thats why they say not to feed it. Yeah, you probably needed a little nutes to keep her going there still a chance possibly.


Well-Known Member
Soil has some nutes already in it depending on brand etc. thats why they say not to feed it. Yeah, you probably needed a little nutes to keep her going there still a chance possibly.
Might start with a really small dose... only calmag or start with the whole deal?


Well-Known Member
Small dose like 1/4 strength or 1/8 just to see how they react. Also depends on what nutes you use me personally I use GH 3 Part.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt feed em..just stop over watering them...or you did at one time. Dial it in..seedlings can be a little hard to water at 1st.


Well-Known Member
I've used 1/4 str camg+ on seedlings with new coco, but if you have been overwatering, I would let them dry to see if that helps first.


Well-Known Member
I've used 1/4 str camg+ on seedlings with new coco, but if you have been overwatering, I would let them dry to see if that helps first.
I never overwatered i put the lights to close thats why they're yellow and crimply leaved.. and also let them dry a bit to much i guess i'll try a small dose of calmag...



Well-Known Member
No problem glad we got your issue settled if you got a journal post it up if not mines in my sig let me know how there doing in a week or so. Happy growing.