Figure This Led Haters

you guys who are arguing for HPS lights are fucking retarded because you guys have made yourselves into the exact thing the title of the thread is: No good dumbass haters.

and you guys who are arguing for LEDs are fucking retarded because you just continue to feed the retarded ass people who are arguing for HPS lights.

.....And i thought i was called, "figure this LED haters" wat the hel was i thinking.:-(
that pic was taken at 6 weeks flower. they flowered for 10. one week longer than my partner who gave me the clones. he grew 16 under 2000w hps we both got the same yeild per plant. He was like you, he was like I dunno man.until he saw my girls. Now he's switching to LED as well. we are both legal growers and have been at it for a while. I cant tell why things work as far as lights. I just know that I like the results. I also know there are only i few LED companies I trust.
ahahahaha pick a side or get the fuck out!! j/k

fair enough. Fact of the matter is im about to start to get into growing and i was interested in seeing both sides of the argument to see which side i'd go with. I have a few racks to blow on a set up, so money aint really too big of a problem.

but from the looks of it, yield/quality-wise i may have to go with HID's.
fair enough. Fact of the matter is im about to start to get into growing and i was interested in seeing both sides of the argument to see which side i'd go with. I have a few racks to blow on a set up, so money aint really too big of a problem.

But from the looks of it, yield/quality-wise i may have to go with hid's.

dood get leds!!!

dood get leds!!!

that pic was taken at 6 weeks flower. they flowered for 10. one week longer than my partner who gave me the clones. he grew 16 under 2000w hps we both got the same yeild per plant. He was like you, he was like I dunno man.until he saw my girls. Now he's switching to LED as well. we are both legal growers and have been at it for a while. I cant tell why things work as far as lights. I just know that I like the results. I also know there are only i few LED companies I trust.
whatever man, hears my point.

Yes you can grow weed with LEDs, if you are legal and have money to spend and plan to grow for a very long time, maybe LEDs are benifitial because they use less energy and are cooler.

But if you wanna get more bang for your buck, HID are the way to go.I see ppl trying to grow 15 plants under 1 90 ufo and expect to yield an oz a plant, its just not realistic..
And your friend was doing something very wrong if he yielded 2 oz a plant with 2000 watts, and if he had only 4 plants like you did, i can guarentee he would yield WAY more provided he didnt fuck it up..
for you HPS niggas,

do yall think it would benefit your plants to supplement your lights with LED lights, or nah?
if i had money that i could afford to blow to test it id give it a whirl, Im sure it thows off diffrent light spectums. but if i had money and wanted to know id get good results Id use both a hps and a mh to mix spectrums
whatever man, hears my point.

Yes you can grow weed with LEDs, if you are legal and have money to spend and plan to grow for a very long time, maybe LEDs are benifitial because they use less enery.

But if you wanna get more bang for your buck, HID are the way to go.I see ppl trying to grow 15 plants under 1 90 ufo and expect to yield an oz a plant, its just not realistic..
And your friend was doing something very wrong if he yielded 2 oz a plant with 2000 watts, and if he had only 4 plants like you did, i can guarentee he would yield WAY more provided he didnt fuck it up..

I have grown with hps. and am now on my 2nd LED grow. And I like the results I get with LED's better. I would never try to grow more than 6 plants at a time with the set up I have now. Besides. I do most of my growing outside, under the sunlight.
ahahahaha pick a side or get the fuck out!! j/k


that made me hella weak.

fair enough. Fact of the matter is im about to start to get into growing and i was interested in seeing both sides of the argument to see which side i'd go with. I have a few racks to blow on a set up, so money aint really too big of a problem.

but from the looks of it, yield/quality-wise i may have to go with HID's.

you should spend your racks on 600 watts of LEDs.

than you can grow those monster donkey dick buds that everyone talks about.
I know there was a guy on here that was given some leds by a company for a comparison grow. Can't remember his name someone help me out. Seemed like a real cool guy, want to say he's a cali med grower and he blocked out his face with like some scooby doo cartoon photoshop. Bet we could a nice unbiased opinion from him and he definitely had some good grows.
Anyone it's been about long enough now that he should be chopping. Grow cab in the garage, dwc, mylared out, would give product away to one of his patients when she couldn't afford to pay in exchange for help with trimming.
No he didnt fuck it up. this guy has been growing for about 30 years, he knows his shit. they were just small plants. very good medical quality though 1 hit quitter. I'll post pics of some of the finished product when I find my usb cord still got pic in my camera.
High Times did 3 seperate grows using the 90watt UFO against a 400w Mh, a 400w Hps, and a 600w Hps. They said in the first against the 400 Mh, the LED outproduced. In the second vs the 400Hps the LED produced the same only it took a week longer to crop out but had way more resin production. In the third vs the 600Hps, the LED produced a 1/4 less but the quality was the same.

I guess High Times doesnt know what they are talking about either