I'm sure that it depends on the type of cancer. I personally haven't had to fight cancer, however I've seen my parents battle it. My father-in law had stomach cancer about 10 years ago. We brought him into our home to live with us and made RSO for him. He only made it about a quarter of the way through the treatment and quit, because he was getting too high and couldn't handle it. He ended up leaving our house to live with my wife's sister, and died a couple of weeks later. A few years ago, before covid, my father got prostate cancer. I made him RSO too, but he never took any. The chemo and hormone treatment extended his life about 4 years. He died at the beginning of this year. My mom got cancer this year. I also offered her RSO, and even though she's a stoner, she declined and went the radiation route. She's finished her awful treatment now, but still feels terrible from it, although her cancer count or whatever has gone down. Fingers crossed that it's gone with the next PET scan, but if it doesn't go away, I might have to force feed her RSO.