field tactic


Active Member
i got about 100 seeds im gonna plant in rows i live in fla so i got good climate. ive been clearin out a field for the past couple months. im looking to yield a couple dozen pounds. if anyone has gone to this extreme before please give me some tips. im for sure that no one will find them they are really far out of the way.


Well-Known Member
If you've never done this before than a couple dozen pounds is not a realistic estimate.

Dont start from seed,the losses are huge before germination is established,then you've got varmints to deal with,then you have to cull the males,you've got dry spells to contend with,seedlings do not tollerate dry spells even for one week & losses are huge.

If you want pounds & not to be wasting an entire grow season then start from fully rooted clones that are pre sexed,let the clones veg for a week or two then transplant in your patch.

If you want a real idea of what your up against trying to harvest upwards of 30 pounds then watch these 12 videos,its not as simple as planting some seeds then comming back & chopping down pounds of buds,you've got lots of work ahead of you if you really want to pull this off with any degree of success.

This is the 1st episode,you can search out the other 11 parts on youtube.


Well-Known Member
lol lol at you. have you ever heard of the Warloks.. Its a biker gang in florida. I was watching a documentery on them. They grow 1000s of pounds in the national forrest and personal land producing alot of bank$$Its a big deal out there bro and security is big. And Its hot as fuck with the laws out there, with the helicopters, foot patrol, dogs ext they have i wouldnt do it.. To taht extreme at least. And 25 lbs isnt easy to come by bro lol, your looking at a good amount of work...


Well-Known Member
lol lol at you. have you ever heard of the Warloks.. Its a biker gang in florida. I was watching a documentery on them. They grow 1000s of pounds in the national forrest and personal land producing alot of bank$$Its a big deal out there bro and security is big. And Its hot as fuck with the laws out there, with the helicopters, foot patrol, dogs ext they have i wouldnt do it.. To taht extreme at least. And 25 lbs isnt easy to come by bro lol, your looking at a good amount of work...
Warloks aint got shit on my moped gIZang!... outdoors you have soooo much more to worry about than Growing a few plants indoors man. Animals, Dry/wet seasons.. and outta the 100 seeds you have im sure 60% of them will be males and gotta go out at the right time to pull the males and get them outta there will be a pain in the ass. Rethink your plan, i think your bitting off more than you can chew. But I could be wrong, Good Luck to you


Active Member
my plan goes that i start them in a different field then after sex i will take all the females and put them in my place ive spent a couple years on this field this isnt my first attempt. we have no helicopters unless you go out to nowhere. im in a lo key location.


i dont think its the best idea to plant them in rows. and it might not be a good idea to move them once they have been planted...there is a good chance you could get spotted. but if you say there are no helicopters, i guess give it a try. i know i wont be doing it that way this spring.