Fibromyalgia, find a Doc, fake CA address, med records, HELP


Active Member
High All, I have Fibromyalgia and live on the east coast. Want to get medically qualified in California. Can I use a relative's address in CA as my own? Does it need to be in the same neighborhood? County? Can someone "walk me thru" the process here- I know I need a copy of my med records, but do I just show up at the airport and have the taxi drop me off at the dispensary, hopefully stocked w/ a compassionate Doc, then what? Is there a "waiting period"? How long? Do I need to find a Doc in advance & schedule an appt? Or is Colorado better, but I have no relative's address in Colorado to borrow...Any advice PLEASE? --Sandy


Well-Known Member
You should just move if it's just you...
And it doesn't have to be cali if you're moving, take your pick of any legal state and do some research on cost of living and laws etc.

I'm one of those few men that have fibro, I'd move if I didn't happen to already live in a legal state.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Co-ops and caregivers still getting raided till this day..state sanctioned or not. sorry to hear about your condition though, hope everything works out peace :)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
so basically the card is worthless, just a false sense of security. I know cause child protective services too my children away cause I tested positive for thc. wtf! I am a productive member of society and well respected in my circle. cause I toke for medical conditions that makes me a criminal...schedule 1 drug?!who is the government trying to fool.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, by the way, yes, I own a medical marijuana card. and even though I live in a medical marijuana state, they still turn a blind eye to my card and my medical conditions....


Well-Known Member
so basically the card is worthless, just a false sense of security. I know cause child protective services too my children away cause I tested positive for thc. wtf! I am a productive member of society and well respected in my circle. cause I toke for medical conditions that makes me a criminal...schedule 1 drug?!who is the government trying to fool.
Seriously, more big government bullshit! I don't even know you, but hearing that kind of shit pisses me the fuck off!! Even worse for you, especially if you're a dude, and living in California. I saw all the shit my Dad went through in his divorce, and make no mistake about it, Dads get the shaft when it comes to parental rights in divorce court. Women naturally can so easily play the role of victim with their demure stature, physical insuperiority strengthwise, and ability to cry at the drop of a hat, it makes it almost impossible for a man to have fair shot in court regarding that kind of thing- especially if he's been the "bread winner" and she's been the "faithful, stay at home mom" the whole time. What a crock!

All this, I speak from personal experience and having had to LIVE through it. I'm sure MY and my father's truth isn't by any means universal, but on average, it's par for the course. Keep fighting man, and don't let the bastards get you down.

Sorry for spamming the original thread. As far as that goes, I really don't see what the advantage is of getting a CA prescription is if you're not going to live in CA. Federally, it's still against the law anyway, so it really doesn't make much difference. Just don't grow on a huge scale, keep a low profile, and you should be fine. *shrugs*


Hi Sandy ! I read your thread and I need CA DL too (but not for the same reason. Will you please please please let me know if you've located any sources??? I'll do the same. I'll say a prayer for you tonight. -BK [email protected]


New Member
hey guys I looked into doing this at one time and really you only need to "move to cali" for two weeks and then you will be able to get your drivers license (even more easily if you pay an electric bill or vote in cali) but then after that you must return to cali once before every two weeks is up to technically remain a resident of california but really its not like someone is following your or something *wink wink*...the only problem is a CA med card does you no good in most states, if your one of the few states that does honor out of state medical marijuana cards (I think its just michigan and rhode island or something) you would just have to do as I said and "live" in cali for a few days out of every two weeks to remain a resident. If anyone asks you spend the majority of your time in cali and that is your home, Hope this helps!

So in the end its more of a pain in the butt than its worth - even if you happen to live in one of the few states that accept out of state medical marijuana cards than you would still likely be given a hard time by law enforcement and likely anyone else you tried to pass the card to and ontop of that if you did get busted for marijuana possession or cultivation goodluck to you in having your shennanigans hold up in court with out some hard evidence showing that you spend most of your time in califnornia.