fiat currency is legal theft

It's a long ass book. Read / skimmed much of it on a long cross continent flight a few years back. It's the kind of book you can almost use as a reference book.
I thought I might upload the PDF from the authors website. Must be a summary its only 15 pages long.

I'm going to have to search for his book. Cheers again.


[toddler sobs uncontrollably in trump concentration camp]

parent in far away concentration camp: what's important is that kelly took a principled stand
[toddler sobs uncontrollably in trump concentration camp]

parent in far away concentration camp: what's important is that kelly took a principled stand
My state voted blue, just like it has more straight times than any other state in the nation.

Tell me why I needed to vote for Hillary, again?
But we're all too chicken shit to tell the banks to quit their bullshit. Because society will suffer greatly, in the short term afterward.
Fucked if we do. Fucked if we don't.

this is an issue yes, lots of people I speak to broadly agree with what I have to say, but continue working remedial jobs that provides no real satisfaction, basically the longer you are in the system the more difficult it is to remove yourself from it
this is an issue yes, lots of people I speak to broadly agree with what I have to say, but continue working remedial jobs that provides no real satisfaction, basically the longer you are in the system the more difficult it is to remove yourself from it

I'm not totally convinced 100% that "Strawman" theory is true, if you're familiar with the theory. But geez a hell of a lot of it makes sense, and we can see it happening all over society as well.
Same as the illuminati conspiracy. I don't personally believe the illuminati exists as a cult or organisation. But i believe there is definitely a tiny minority in society effectively dictating the world indirectly. I believe this minority to be the banks.

If i can find a video i'll upload it for you. Its a long one, but i believe its right up your alley.

I'm not totally convinced 100% that "Strawman" theory is true, if you're familiar with the theory. But geez a hell of a lot of it makes sense, and we can see it happening all over society as well.
Same as the illuminati conspiracy. I don't personally believe the illuminati exists as a cult or organisation. But i believe there is definitely a tiny minority in society effectively dictating the world indirectly. I believe this minority to be the banks.

If i can find a video i'll upload it for you. Its a long one, but i believe its right up your alley.


I'm not a conspiracy theorist either, I would like to use facts if I can.

I can't comment on the Illuminati, but it is a fact that the Freemasons have an active temple on South African Parliamentary grounds
I stopped working a few years ago when I realised I was paid in pieces of paper, of which half I had to effectively give back to the system in the form of taxes and various non discretionary expenses.

Digging a little further I then discovered how the constitution of my country (South Africa) legitimises this paper money and as a result I started questioning the entire thing (borders, countries, constitutions, legal system, banks etc)- also fun fact for the conspiracy theorists: there is a functioning freemason temple on South Africa's parliamentary grounds (the freemasons prefer to state that parliament is on freemason grounds)

If the creation of man made borders, countries, constitutions and paper money are artificial and meant to control populations, then the issues we experience (inequality, racism, terrorism, pollution, debt etc) are all a direct result of paper money and its support mechanisms.

Anyway thats where I am currently with my thoughts
I feel it goes deeper than the paper money being the cause, rather a tool. Eventually our currencies will be digital solely, this is why Apple pay and contact less exists.

Anyone seen zeitgeist ?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist either, I would like to use facts if I can.

I can't comment on the Illuminati, but it is a fact that the Freemasons have an active temple on South African Parliamentary grounds

I hear you mate! Me too.
The Sydney Masonic Lodge is located at 666 Goulburn Street :o

They're a damn mysterious bunch, thats for certain.
100%! It's on Netflix I think.. If you don't think differently afterwards id be shocked! Total eye opener. The beginning blew my mind. Might have to watch it again today..

Watched it bro! Watched it :o
I reckon 50% of the old religious theology i wasn't aware of either.

Very budget in quality. But extremely informative, and eye opening. Very good.

Thanks a lot.
