FFOF Quick Question - baby clones


Well-Known Member
At the nagging of a buddy, trying out FFOF for the first time vs my non-nuted mix (and DynaGro). I plan to mix in about 30% additional perlite.

Clones are rooted in solo cups. I use MG Seed Starter for my clones and somehow, I get near 100% success :-)

So question is simple, how much do I need to worry about burning them early on when I move to one gal pots? I am pretty lazy watering, do I need to be careful to water slowly so I don't get any pools and release too much nute?

Gracias in advance!


Well-Known Member
FFOF is fine for Seedlings , it will supply all basic nutes for 3 weeks. By that time I start my veg routine. Never had any burns. But I only used PH water during first weeks only.

I start all my beans in this soil . She is 6 days old.



Well-Known Member
Your fine, only problem i have with FFOF is it seems to lack Calcium or Magnesium. I always have to add calmag to my soil.


Well-Known Member
I use FFLW for seedlings, up pot clones and everything else gets FFOF. never in 4+ yrs of using FFOF have I had any issues.