FFOF and seedlings

I just started germing a couple seeds with the wet paper towel method so I have about 2 days or so before they go in soil. What I want to know is I hear that you should flush the soil first before using, so...

Should I flush the soil today and maybe one other time before the seeds go in or just give it a good flush a couple hours before I put the seeds in???

I will be using FFOF and perlite about a 60/40 mix in solo cups.

Thanks for the help fellas.


Well-Known Member
It all depends. Do you want to flush out the nutrients in the soil and leave it sterile or let the soil feed the seedlings for the first week or two until the root mass begins to develop?
I didn't want to make it sterile I just hear it can burn the plants, I plan on leaving them in the solo cup for 2 weeks. I didn't think that 1-2 flush would make it sterile, maybe just tone it down a bit.

You're saying I should flush it at all?
Passthat2me Looks good man, do you do anything to it before you drop the seed in? I was planning on dropping the seed in the dry dirt, mist, then cover with saran wrap.

Also what light do you give them before they sprout? 24/0, 18/6, or complete darkness?


Well-Known Member
Passthat2me Looks good man, do you do anything to it before you drop the seed in? I was planning on dropping the seed in the dry dirt, mist, then cover with saran wrap.

Also what light do you give them before they sprout? 24/0, 18/6, or complete darkness?
I fold a paper towel...place seed inside...wet...put wet towel in zip-lock baggie unsealed...place in warm area 72hrs...that's my germination process...then I plant 1/4in in soil after seed has popped


Well-Known Member
I got slight nute burn using FFOF with my seedlings. Had about 25% perlite.

Don't think it had a big effect, but it happened.


New Member
I got slight nute burn using FFOF with my seedlings. Had about 25% perlite.

Don't think it had a big effect, but it happened.
I've seen it happen with a couple seedlings out of a hundred. So it can happen. But is not likely. FFOF is good stuff if you wanna keep it easy and effective. I mix mine up now with "Just Right Xtra" potting mix, and Kelp4Less potting mix and amend with a little Azomite.


Well-Known Member
for veg I know a lot of locals like to ad one bag of happy frog, I added a bag of light warrior this last time and it has worked just fine for my seedlings, just put a few sprouts in the mix today.


Well-Known Member
Passthat2me Looks good man, do you do anything to it before you drop the seed in? I was planning on dropping the seed in the dry dirt, mist, then cover with saran wrap.

Also what light do you give them before they sprout? 24/0, 18/6, or complete darkness?
before they sprout light not needed, after normal 18/6 is fine, will let plant rest and lower your elect bill in process. I just drop sprout ina small hole I start with my finger about an inch deep max,gently cover, if soil is moist water shoulnt be needed till after the sprout surfaces. everything Paassthat2me said in his response is pretty much the method I've found to work pretty goodas well, spot on.


Well-Known Member
I transplanted my seedlings in FFLW for 2 weeks, then top dressed the planter with FFOF 2 days ago. I tell you what, ive seen quite a bit of growth after the top dressing and watering. if I could go back, I would probably mix 50/50 FFOF and FFLW together to lighten up on the strong OF nutes, and Im sure I would have had a quicker growth on them.