Few questions

Alright, so I just started growing a couple of days ago. I picked out about 20 seeds for a half o I got a couple of days ago and decided to plant them. I've been doing research ever since and have no idea how to determine whether or not a plant is female. Also, I heard that you have to separate the males and females and I have no idea which is which.

Also, I was wondering when the vegitation stage begins. Is it as soon as the stem breaks through the top of the soil or do you need leaves first? Just trying to make sure I time these guys just right to get some dank buds. :)

Thanks for the help.


Active Member
wouldnt worry to much on the perfect timing, no two grows are the same, you ave to just play a few things by ear.
yeh ur right wi the veg state, wen ur lights on 18/6 thats veg state, so as soon as you put light on thats wen its started i guess.
anything else you need to know just post it.
good luck man


Active Member
oh and about the male female thing, yes get rid of your males just kill em which i know some people dont they just keep em seperate but i get rid,you wont be able to tell the difference til u flower the plant.
Alright, and I'll be growing outside so I won't be using lights, obviously.

And okay, so should I just keep them separated from the start or just separate them once I start flowering them? These plants will be in pots too so it wouldn't be hard to move them at any time.

And another question. Do the plants continue to grow in height after you start flowering them?

Thanks again.


New Member
Alright, and I'll be growing outside so I won't be using lights, obviously.

And okay, so should I just keep them separated from the start or just separate them once I start flowering them? These plants will be in pots too so it wouldn't be hard to move them at any time.

And another question. Do the plants continue to grow in height after you start flowering them?

Thanks again.
yes they do.. mine grew alot after flowering began.. but now they have stopped growing tall they are filling out with budz.. they are almost 7 weeks into flower right now.. so make sure you have enough room or lst them..


New Member
Alright, and I'll be growing outside so I won't be using lights, obviously.

And okay, so should I just keep them separated from the start or just separate them once I start flowering them? These plants will be in pots too so it wouldn't be hard to move them at any time.

And another question. Do the plants continue to grow in height after you start flowering them?

Thanks again.
you seperate them after you find out which are males or females..


Active Member
yeh u wont be able to tell female from male til ur at least a few weeks into flowering.but once you see a male get rid cos you dont want that male to pollinate your female, cos then youll end up with seeds and nt much bud.you cn tell the males by there little ball sacks just above the nodes which contain pollen, youll be better of seachin the threads and youll find some pics of wat im talkin about

yes theyll do alot of growing when into flowering they double in size probably.


Active Member
And you can't figure that out until they start to flower. You'll be able to find that out normally by looking at the nodes (where the branches meet the stem), but once again, only at the flowering stage.

Until then, grow with lots o' pleasure, and be careful. It seems a little late in the year to be growing outside! (Unless you live somewhere else than North America)
I live in Florida, so it doesn't get much colder than 60 degrees during the winter, but it's still warm even in November. The thing I'm concerned about it the amount of sunlight. But hopefully everything will come out alright, and if not, then it's not a huge loss since I just used some seeds that I was going to toss anyways. I'm planning on planting some Blue Rhino seeds next year sometime around May or June so those will have a better chance of surviving.


Active Member
I live in Florida, so it doesn't get much colder than 60 degrees during the winter, but it's still warm even in November. The thing I'm concerned about it the amount of sunlight. But hopefully everything will come out alright, and if not, then it's not a huge loss since I just used some seeds that I was going to toss anyways. I'm planning on planting some Blue Rhino seeds next year sometime around May or June so those will have a better chance of surviving.

Great idea, but I suggest more around mid april or beginning of may, otherwise, you won't get your plants to their best potential, before flowering.! :P

But hey, anyways, your call!
Hah, yea, but thanks the advice. I've never grown before so I have little idea on when to start. But I'm pretty excited on that grow. Can't wait to taste that bud. :)


Active Member
Hah, yea, but thanks the advice. I've never grown before so I have little idea on when to start. But I'm pretty excited on that grow. Can't wait to taste that bud. :)

I hear you, mon. But hey, if you want to do your first grow, I'd recommend inside, instead of outside. It's a little more work, it'll be more safe for you to have a harvest as such.

Outside, you can suffer from droughts, insanely hot days, bugs eating your plant, overwatering because of rain, and the whole thing about how neighbours could call the police on you because they saw your plant.

Inside you controll practially everything in the plants enviroment.