few questions on hole prep

I have a few fem super skunk seedlings
In jiffy pots and need to prep the holes. I have 2 secure outdoor potential spots that are covered in various plants already ill need to set up. One spot i can use is a small field of stinging nettles which i heard makes a sweet spot but i know for a fact theres lots of rabbits maybe even an infestation. Ill be using liquid fence and neem oil but am afraid the rabbits will disreguard the liquid fence.
Back to my main question, what is easy to obtain that i can mix in the holes for a mean veg and what can i do to keep a hole animals from digging them up! I tried blood meal my first year and the wild animals dug my ladies right up! I know i snuck some extra questions in guys just try to help a brother out please!
I was looking at that fox farm stuff. I should of mentioned that i dont want a physical fence and i dont want to truck in alot of soil as its a very pain in the a$$ spot to get to. I want to take the native soil and add some great nutes. I thought about mixing that fox farms with native soil. I know first hand even as a beginner still that some of the best ferts attract animals