Few noob Questions

How is everyone today? Im a little new to this site but i had a few quick questions.

What is the coldest temp my plants can endure before it stuns their growth? they are about a week into flowering. The prob is they are in a basement and winter is coming around. Im only using a 150w MH atm and it does not produce very good heat. the temp now is 68*. Should i use a space heater if it drops more?

Second I ran into a little speed bump and had to flower them about 2 weeks early. I know this will greatly effect my yeild, but will this hurt the potency or pose any other threats?

Third, If the temp is to low im using a fan inside to keep air circulating, but i feel its adding to the coldness. Should i try removing the fan if its to cold?

Thanks for any help you guys may have and i hope to see many of you in the future.



Active Member
68 is not to cold as thats in the lower ideal temps you might as it gets colder put a small space heater in the room but make sure its plenty of distance away from your plant and it will not hurt your flowering over 2 weeks your talking very little diffrence in yeild good luck dont let the temp get below 65 if possible keep it in the 70s range


New Member
How is everyone today? Im a little new to this site but i had a few quick questions.

What is the coldest temp my plants can endure before it stuns their growth? they are about a week into flowering. The prob is they are in a basement and winter is coming around. Im only using a 150w MH atm and it does not produce very good heat. the temp now is 68*. Should i use a space heater if it drops more?

Second I ran into a little speed bump and had to flower them about 2 weeks early. I know this will greatly effect my yeild, but will this hurt the potency or pose any other threats?

Third, If the temp is to low im using a fan inside to keep air circulating, but i feel its adding to the coldness. Should i try removing the fan if its to cold?

Thanks for any help you guys may have and i hope to see many of you in the future.

1.68f is fine.....i wouldnt suggest heaters unless u live where u need it
2.itll effect yeild,but not potency or anything else
3.good question....idkbongsmilie

Illegal Smile

I see no problem with using a space heater. I have one in my closet set to come on when the temp drops below a certain point. I don't point it at the plants but it is close by.


New Member
I see no problem with using a space heater. I have one in my closet set to come on when the temp drops below a certain point. I don't point it at the plants but it is close by.
its never cold where im at
i fight trying to keep it cool


Active Member
it may affect your humidity a small amount but not enough man i know the feeling as old man winter is pushing hisself closer her and i just started my flowering i hope my post help space heaters fine just keep away from plants and watch the temps the first few days good luck my fellow grower