Festival smuggling any ideas


Well-Known Member

I have just grown some mighty bud and im looking to take it in with me to a music festival in the UK. Is there anyway to disguise the smell and beat both security and the possibility of sniffer dogs?

Any help is appreciated.

wow, with the possibility of dogs that really fucks it all up! do they inspect cigarette boxes? you could roll some j's in the flavored papers, they mask the smell well, you could quadruple bag it and use your ass cheeks. or the 100% sure fire way, make EDIBLES!
Cookies for sure.
There is always deniability in baked ganja.
They are less likely to be detected.
Wrap in saran wrap and put in ziplock.

I would not even be worried about the smell.
I would use a cannabutter recipe to make fudge or brownies.

Someone could have gave it to you.
You were unaware and would not have ate them if you knew that.
For all they know you are diabetic and they are special diabetic brownies.

I would just be non shalant if I did get questioned and they should not expect a thing.
which festival are you going to? ive just been to a bluegrass festival in whales and we just walked in with ours. ive never had a problem at any festival ive been to
Post it... mail it to yourself or an alias at the place your staying. Carrying shit past dogs is bad news. Dogs do not care if you are relaxed or stressed. If you got it on you, they will find it.

I have just grown some mighty bud and im looking to take it in with me to a music festival in the UK. Is there anyway to disguise the smell and beat both security and the possibility of sniffer dogs?

Any help is appreciated.

i would say put ur nug in a couple of bags and then fill a seperate bag with garlic and put ur bag of nug into the garlic bag it may not smell the best but it wont harm ur weed and it will throw off dogs
putting weed in garlic wouldnt throw off the dogs. they have a categorical sense of smell far superior to ours
thanks guy's very helpful...ussually there isnt a massive problem with dogs at festivals but a recent event at the isle of white was swarming with em. cheers
have a dog ? bring it with you, put herb in film canisters in a bag of dog food,carefull, canisters tend to float to the top if you mouve the bag alot.
Get an airtight prescription bottle, put bud inside, get a plastic ziplock baggy, put coffee grounds (enough to fully cover the pill bottle inside), roll the bag up tight and put it in your backpack or something.

My friend's sister has a black lab that they taught "find the weed" to, that dog will find your lost bag no matter where it is in the house. I mean we've hidden bags all over to see if the dog can really sniff it out. He is good, but when using the method above he couldn't smell it.
mate im from uk never had a prob either, between ya knackers for def wrapped up and wrapped up.or pre roll secret agents and put them back in ya fag packet.try and seal em up again. or if ya going with a bird ask her to put it in her bra or up her #**#.
Hope this may help. usually looking paranoid wen your goin in these places blows the whole thing!
I have never ever ever been, or even seen anyone stopped and searched for drugs going into a festival, I'm also from the UK. I think dogs ? what ? If theres sniffer dogs, I say go to a different festival, as this one obviously for children or something. Or alternatively, if your this paranoid, don't take your bud, and get some when your there. But sniffer dogs at a festival, I'm actually laughing, no offence.

heya, i went to the big day out (australian festival) and i swear that was the easiest place to smuggle shit in. my apperrance helped alot.... i had brite pink hair in little pig tails, the band shirt i was wearing i had made it and it was super cute so when it came to check our bags at the entry point the guy just looked at me (gave an innocent smile) and looked in the top of my bag and sent me on my way, and at the show i was offered so much weed.... it was a great show.

if its a big outdoors show and no sniffer dogs you should be fine.... maybe put some dirty smelly socks in there :blsmoke:
thanks for all of your advice. Chips last week the isle of white fesy was teeming with police and active sniffer dogs.....so it does happen mate. thanks particularly to 420th avenue good technique
thanks for all of your advice. Chips last week the isle of white fesy was teeming with police and active sniffer dogs.....so it does happen mate. thanks particularly to 420th avenue good technique

Sorry mate, no offence mean't, and wow whats the world coming to, thats actually made me glad that I'm just about the age and circumstance to stop going to festivals. I really am sorry for you that its got to this stage, in my experience the police only ever had dogs to uphold public order and keep the peace. How many "active sniffer dogs" were there. Its hard for me to imagine thousands of people going to a festival and being "actively sniffed" for drugs, but then, this country is a bit of a shithole. Anyway, hope you get your bud in, and have a good time.

No worries mate. Q: Is that your home made caramella? Im going to try to make soem hash out of my trim today using some ice a blender and some paper coffee filters...you got any good techniques that caramella looked awesome