Ferts and Nutes

roll it up smoke it up

Well-Known Member
What are the differences between fertilizer and nutes? I only used nutes in my first two grows do I need ferts? I know this sounds a little stupid but any info here would really help bc i'm starting my third grow witch will be a micro grow under a 400 watt hps thanks.
I was wondering what the heck nutes meant also, I literally thought that maybe all the various round shapes you see in the photos were some type of nuts and people were just calling them nutes. Didn't see that on the newbie slang/terms thread.
LOL. This is awesome.

Fertilizers = nutrients.

Nutrients help to fertilize plants by adding new vitamins, minerals, and a whole bunch of other things that I don't understand or care to understand.

It's not a bad question to ask. After all, so many companies try to make their products sound better by changing the names of them so that that they sound snazzy or better. Most of them are the same things - and we all have our favorite nutrient companies, well, most of us. But when all is said and done, most of the products just have the same ingredients in them and are named differently or contain different amounts.

That's just the way it is.

Finding this out now is going to help you realize that not everything you read can be trusted - question everything. Great, now I feel like the X-Files. "The truth is out there." LOL

I need more coffee, I think. :peace: