Fertilizing "super soils"


I'm trying to stay relatively organic. I'm using a local super soil. Dig it organics in michigan. To get better vegging and flowering results, should I get some fish bone meal and langbeinite? I'm already sort of feeding with a tea compost that has some nitrogen in it.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't a super soil already have what you need in it? Do you know what the soil is comprised of in terms of NPK? I would tread lightly on adding too much; remember it takes time for those amendments to break down and become available to the plant and depending on where you are in your grow, they may not be available at the right times. Timing is pretty important in this respect. Good luck.


Their site lists a bunch of ingredients
Not so much the NPK values. I've heard good things from the grow shop I picked it up from. The ingredients seem pretty good for a soil grow. I just dont wanna starve my ladies.


Well-Known Member
Their website says you don't need to add anything but water...

If it were me, I'd call the company...not your grow shop...and see what they say about you adding the things you want to add. Good luck


Great idea! I'll give em a ring or shoot an email. If they come back with good info I'll post it back here for the curious.