

i was wondering if anyone has any homemade fertilizer recepies?
Dont really wanna buy any :-o


Well-Known Member
Nope. I buy all of my many different organic nutes from local nurseries and co-ops... But, some folks keep compost piles, but since I already work at a power house right across from a city sewage, "shit-lake", I'd rather not smell that crap outside of work...


Well-Known Member
Some folks use coffee grounds for N during veg... Others use eggshells for added CA, as a micronute.... If u have pets like cats(other than the occaisional cathair that will stick to a bud), then they put out CO2, which is beneficial to your plants...


Well-Known Member
BUT, whatever you decide to do, please don't be tempted to grab that old box of Miracle Blo thatz been there since u put in those Hydrandeas two years ago and used it on that, then... Don't go get some chemical crap, even if it's brand new from the store, or says ORGANIC on it... If it says Miracle Gro or Scott's, and u use it, I'm tellin' ya, yer getting ready to mess up... All that stuff is crap in a bag, even their new "organic" potting soil... They have YET to do ANYTHING to impress me, solely based on so many others' testimonies and from what I've seen and tasted from fellow gardeners... Go natural, for real, and your body will thank you, starting with your throat, after you don't have a chemical cough, even from a well-flushed, but MG-grown bud... I'm sorry MG and chem-nute lovers, but thatz just my take on chemical fertz...