Fertilizer Question


Active Member
Just a quick question I know someone can help me with. I have some Miricle Grow fertilizer that has a make-up
4-12-4. Will this be alright for the flowering cycle?


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question I know someone can help me with. I have some Miricle Grow fertilizer that has a make-up
4-12-4. Will this be alright for the flowering cycle?
ya it would work if u really wanna use miracleg. i use fox farms personally , m.g has bad shit in it


Well-Known Member
Try something more along the lines of 2-8-8 or 1-6-7, less Nitrogen more Phosphorus and Potassium.


Active Member
Just a quick question I know someone can help me with. I have some Miricle Grow fertilizer that has a make-up
4-12-4. Will this be alright for the flowering cycle?
definatly dont use miracle grow that shit is badddddddddd......i agree go get some fox farm soil "ocean forest" works bitchen.....but for flowering yes lower nitrogen and higher phosphorous and potash is what u need for flowering!!!!

good luck blaze on homiesbongsmilie


Active Member
i have looked into purchasing something different after your replies. thanks everyone. I have seen fertilizers that were 2-7-7, and a 2-10-10 which sounds good from what was said. what about a 0-10-10? Is that too little nitrogen and too much phosphate and potash? also saw one that was 6-30-30. would the larger amount of nigtrogen be acceptable becasue of the larger amounts of phosphate and potash? Also one last question, I noticed some were pellets with slow release point into the soil vs. fast acting liquids mixed in with the normal water. which is better for flowering? I was thinking the liqiud becasue when i flush with the pellets in the soil nutrients will keep being released as opposed to just stop addeding them to my watering solution. any pointers with liquid or pellets.


Active Member
i have looked into purchasing something different after your replies. thanks everyone. I have seen fertilizers that were 2-7-7, and a 2-10-10 which sounds good from what was said. what about a 0-10-10? Is that too little nitrogen and too much phosphate and potash? also saw one that was 6-30-30. would the larger amount of nigtrogen be acceptable becasue of the larger amounts of phosphate and potash? Also one last question, I noticed some were pellets with slow release point into the soil vs. fast acting liquids mixed in with the normal water. which is better for flowering? I was thinking the liqiud becasue when i flush with the pellets in the soil nutrients will keep being released as opposed to just stop addeding them to my watering solution. any pointers with liquid or pellets.
ya definatly go with a liquid nute. way better! dont ever use that pellet shit. anyways u still want something with a lil nitrogen in it cause it still promotes growth. but u definatly need more phosporus and potash. basically anything with lower nitro and more p and k is what u need. i recomend so bio grow and bio bloom....made by bio bizz....its the shit. i believe their like 20 bucks where im at but where ur at it may be diff.....

anyways good luck blaze onbongsmilie


Active Member
ya definatly go with a liquid nute. way better! dont ever use that pellet shit. anyways u still want something with a lil nitrogen in it cause it still promotes growth. but u definatly need more phosporus and potash. basically anything with lower nitro and more p and k is what u need. i recomend so bio grow and bio bloom....made by bio bizz....its the shit. i believe their like 20 bucks where im at but where ur at it may be diff.....

anyways good luck blaze onbongsmilie
Thanks fattie J:eyesmoke: