Fertilizer free, mouth watering from A to Z

To each their own as long as they do not claim superior quality to microbes. We all start somewhere. I used bottled earth juice long ago before it turned to watery liquid. To limit ones progress with a delusion of synthetics is as good as it gets though is so sad to watch or hear a person limit their experience with a plant they grow and in my opinion is no less then blasphemy.
Nice plants! I am glad you have great soil in your area.
All clay though a year covered straw and dusted with castings, it feels like loam, sink your fingers in soil where normally it impossible. I dug a 3 gallon hole about for these right in the yard of clay soil. 80 percent of roots are the first 6 to 8 inches
Yes calcium sulfate is great to break up clay, combine with lime, tilled down in the soil and you get concrete. Great for building runways with out pot holes in the jungles to smuggle coke though can cause issues in some cases. Sands so heavy. Works though I'm happy with bails of straw that turn to castings at a third of the price. I guess straw is a prefert amendment mulch. Hope that's not offensive for anyone
Yes calcium sulfate is great to break up clay, combine with lime, tilled down in the soil and you get concrete. Great for building runways with out pot holes in the jungles to smuggle coke though can cause issues in some cases. Sands so heavy. Works though I'm happy with bails of straw that turn to castings at a third of the price. I guess straw is a prefert amendment mulch. Hope that's not offensive for anyone

Have you looked into cover crop for a no till alternative?
Have you looked into cover crop for a no till alternative?
No till is best. I don't till just cover with straw, a tad of corn gluten. Poor worms. The field is covered with native strawberries. I plan on covering about an acre with straw next year. Comfrey many like. Like I said though straw turns to castings. Alfalfa is a bit high in N. Clovers attract PM. Swiss chard would be cool. I'm all for snacks being accessible.
Mint grown near plants with microbes tastes like mint. Flavors are added with association and microbial connections that eventually encrypt dna
Point taken though in terms of ions added what I added is very low. Most ions are stored inside the bacteria. I add enough to sustain the cycle until the cycle becomes natural though never diminishes. Adding ions in most cases kills life. Over 50ppm life suffers. Much less with phosphorus which in any forest is .001ppm. Phosphorus weed is junk, organic synthetic, whatever asnd will never be close to castings quality. Try it, it's magic. Wet tops dry feet indoors
Why did you have to add anything if your so good ?
Why do I add saliva to my penis before entering a dry hole?

Because it helps...
No amendments, only water (my well is 8.1 pH). Worm castings, about 30 pounds per plant with the straw top dressed with broadcasted castings prior to a replanting anf just prior to a spring rain. These castings where delivered by home depot by the ton. They have been outside in the soil for almost a month. The largest are almost 6 feet. The growth has been almost a foot a week. I have not watered in 2 weeks though the ground is moist and cool under the straw. The metal posts warm the soil a bit too. Left out of the ground, in the sun, they would burn you to touch. In the ground the heat transfers into the soil keeping the cool to them touch. I'm hoping this may deter PM not only with the temps but from the added iron, via rust. Rust away. They will still last 50 years. The plants are connected with carabiners and thin bicycle tubes, crossed to form a barrier between the metal and stem
Got pics of a plant in its last week?
Why did you have to add anything if your so good ?
Why do I add saliva to my penis before entering a dry hole?

Because it helps...
Hey perv, find a new thread. See ya next year everyone, I ain't got time to deal with this. Hoping some good growers were still here. I see why they left.