Fertilizer at 2 weeks?


Well-Known Member
I'm getting ready to transplant my 2 week olds to new pots from regular un-nuted soil. When I use the new soil blend for the new pots, whats a good mix and how do I add fertilizer? Is liquid, the green stuff, or the little miracle grow balls the best? The balls seem the easiest, so if anyone has experience, let me know.

I was thinking, 1/4 perlite, 2/4 potting soil, 1/4 vermiculite with a good dose of the ball fertilizers? Or should I still wait til 3-4 weeks before doing any ferts?
Also if I do wait, is it easy to apply fertilizer without having to change the soil? And LASTLY, are worm castings a good dose in themselves or are they to be combined with some type of ferts?



Well-Known Member
The time re leased fertliziers are not good to grow MJ with..And two weeks they really don't need any nutes yet. Its best to use a good liquid feritlizer that you add to your water and fertilize once a week.