

Well-Known Member
Ok, took the plunge today. I cut the patch into 16ths - that's about 300 mics or according to the estimates about 30 mg morphine. I put the sliver in my mouth and chewed, not swallowing my saliva. I did this at about 8:00. After an hour I put it and held it in my cheek. around 9:30 I figured it wasn't going to work and contemplated having some more just because I was execting to get something out of it all - but I waited. I found myself nodding at around 10 but felt little euphoria - I quickly spit out the saliva and the sliver figuring that this stuff might have a long lead time and I might get much more "high" than I found myself - I figured so far as an opiate is concerned, I may not have felt some of the more enjoyable components but it was still clear that I was getting some effects. I would have liked ultimately to have perhaps 30 percent more.

At 12:00 I am getting some itching, have trouble keeping my eyes open, have a touch of nausea and a slight headache.

This stuff is all right, it is lulling and warm but I never got any sort of clear headed rush (I wished for it but really didn't anticipate it). After a bit I put the sliver back figuring that it probably has more to go - and sure enough as I am typing this, it seems to be continuing.

But it is nothing like what I had during my colonscopy.

I wonder what would happen with a mix, if this can be used as psychic "filler", where you can amplify the effect of a more euphoric substance with a less euphoric one. I have mixed hydro (which in my opinion is the more euphoric) with oxy and if it is just the right amount, it seems like a far stronger hydro experience. Of course with fent, it could be the other way around, where any hydro will just seem to add to the fent high.

I'll check that out - but not today. This stuff is rather strong, too bad about the lack of .... clarity for want of a better word.


Well-Known Member
Sadly fent isn't near as euphoric as the natural and semisynthetic opioids. Did you have just fent during your colonoscopy? I've had a few scopes going the other way and have always gotten a cocktail of midazolam (Versed) and fent. It probably was quite enjoyable, but I can't remember! Midazolam is one of the better benzos at inducing a blackout. Great for an anesthetic given to patients before surgery, not so cool for recreation.


Ursus marijanus
50 mics eh? but you had something that was instantly available? oral? IV?
Oral solution. I didn't keep the sample, so never tried smoking it. That might have been interesting.
But iirc oral came on as slowly as any other oral narcotic did for me.


Well-Known Member
my god buccal would be overkill. I never got the fent hype... it's a really dirty opiate buzz IMO. I reckon if you have a huge habit they might be alright because of the strength.

does anyone know what the drug is that they give you right before putting you down for an operation? I've had a few surgeries... it feels like the best benzo buzz ever. The docs and nurses never tell me what it is... which I think should be illegal. is it that midazolam you mentioned duck?


Well-Known Member
Buccal and sublingual are much better ROAs for fent.

I did buccal/sublingual - it's still working pretty well, I thought it was short acting. The problem is that I am craving more even though it wasn't all that great - I won't put it down and keep the stuff I got for when I want an opiate buzz and don't want to use up my good stuff (keep a stash of hydro, I can't seem to keep one of oxy - gee, wonder why). I'll try a mix sometime this week.

It IS sort of a metalic wirey feeling, not a lot of body but some, and what there is of it is pretty nice, tingly, vibrant.


Well-Known Member
Skuxx you're always able to ask, I've never had a dr not tell me. Generally with general anesthesia you're getting either propofol or midazolam either with fent or without. They also use even shorter acting fent derivatives.

Fent can be very compulsive with redosing. It's by far it's worst attribute. People get crazy with redosing smoking that shit. The withdrawal is supposed to be terrible. Shorter but more intense than heroin withdrawal.
When I took my dog in for surgery the vet assistant mentioned the patch she had on was like "advil" and that it was a good pain killer and would help her recover. That she uses it personally "all the time" to help with "aches and pains". I walk into the vets office next and the first thing he mentions is how she will be on a fentanyl patch for a while and to be careful.

Sometimes you have to wonder if people really know what they're putting in their bodies.

I nearly choked when he said it, but who am I to judge?

Since then I hear he has a bad drug problem and rarely goes to work anymore. Be wary.
my god buccal would be overkill. I never got the fent hype... it's a really dirty opiate buzz IMO. I reckon if you have a huge habit they might be alright because of the strength.

does anyone know what the drug is that they give you right before putting you down for an operation? I've had a few surgeries... it feels like the best benzo buzz ever. The docs and nurses never tell me what it is... which I think should be illegal. is it that midazolam you mentioned duck?
Propofol might be what you're seeking. It's the same drug responsible for Michael Jackson's death. Probably exceedingly difficult to get your hands on. Can have pleasant side effects, but I'm not sure anyone would ever use it recreationally.


Well-Known Member
Sadly fent isn't near as euphoric as the natural and semisynthetic opioids. Did you have just fent during your colonoscopy? I've had a few scopes going the other way and have always gotten a cocktail of midazolam (Versed) and fent. It probably was quite enjoyable, but I can't remember! Midazolam is one of the better benzos at inducing a blackout. Great for an anesthetic given to patients before surgery, not so cool for recreation.
Duck ....i don't doubt that you know your stuff ... but are you sure you don't have fent mixed up with Bentyl (commonly used during colonoscopy). Just not sure why they give Fent for a scope procedure.


Well-Known Member
Duck ....i don't doubt that you know your stuff ... but are you sure you don't have fent mixed up with Bentyl (commonly used during colonoscopy). Just not sure why they give Fent for a scope procedure.

the bill said Fentanyl, the effect was to put me in a semi-concious state.


Well-Known Member
Duck ....i don't doubt that you know your stuff ... but are you sure you don't have fent mixed up with Bentyl (commonly used during colonoscopy). Just not sure why they give Fent for a scope procedure.
Not mixing those two up. Generally they want you relaxed and out of it so that you don't move or do anything that will interfere with the procedure. Also I've only been scoped from the mouth so it definitely wasn't administered to me. I am only just now at the age where I should be getting a colonoscopy. And they're damn well giving me drugs for it. Not because its a colonoscopy, just because it's a procedure where they give them and I ain't saying no.