femizing help

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
hey im trying my hand at makin a batch of femed seeds and right now the only method I can do is light stressing

1 how long do I mess with the lights

what is the success rate of light stressing any one know

how long should wait to see male flowers
Can I ask what has caused you to want to grow fem. seeds so badly? Has it been a bad crop, like 9 out of 10 being male of something. I have had this happen in my past. All I had to do was buy fem seeds then start cuttings. But maybe this will not work for you.

Hope you figure this out and inlighten us all on how to produce fem. seeds.


Well-Known Member
well to my knowledge I have the last of a breed superskunkxhaze great plant and I probally wont be able to grow this winter so im tryin to get any seeds out of this plant and because I only have fems and no seeds to grow to get males then this is my only option and I figured that while im at it I wil make some fems of the other types I have going. but at the time I could only use light stressing which there is very little technical info on use you'll find FUCKIN WITH THE LIGHTING AND YOU GET HERMS OR TURN THE LIGHTS ON DURING BLAH BLAH BL;AH and I needed to know who what where and how long type shit

so this is what Im doing and figured Id spread the "seed" of knowledge while im at it


Well-Known Member
alrighty my first setup is for the silver Im starting to night making the silver then tommorow start spraying the plants for one week then leave for one week adn see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I just looked at my notes on the CS treatments I did. I sprayed for 2 weeks before I seen any male parts. I started to spray a couple of days before switching to 12/12. Then I continued to spray till I seen male pollin sacks. I then stopped. It's now been about 3 weeks sence I started the CS treatments. When I was spraying it, I sprayed it 3 or 4 times a day. I guess it is key to start spraying before you switch to 12/12 or do it as soon as you switch to 12/12. You don't want to wait several weeks into 12/12 before starting to do this. Just thought I would say how I did it sence I wasn't specific


Well-Known Member
Do not get all upset. I would bet that no one here really understands how to truely make fem, seeds. This is most likely a well kept secrete. But then again, I am not into breeding at all.
I'm not upset at all, but they seem to know what they are doing.

Ontario is employing all the different methods of getting a plant to herm, to see what works best.

Feminizing is no secret, at least you admit to "not being into breeding at all."

If the plant is really resistant to herm it's a good canidate for feminization, still you'll want to back cross it several times to stabilize it.

I'll be watching, and look for your journal, looking forward to the results, and nice to meet everyone :bongsmilie:


Well-Known Member
well I've got 2 plants of the ssxh that im tryin it on the first is a outdoor and im goin to spray differnet branches with the 2 solutions now this plant has been budding for a little while but I think it still good to test her also I have a citrus im gonna do that has only been budding for about a week the others are 2 indoors that ive cloned form the same mother.


Well-Known Member
just wondering why people keep saying I have to stabilize some of these strains just a heads up on these strains

both super skunkxhaze is its own strain from a seedbank but they got busted
citrus is its own strain

now I understain that when I start crossing them togeather I need to stabilze and back cross but once I cross CxC or SSXHxSSXH or PINEXPINE they should be fine right done femized and stable and I know I will be testing part of this.


Well-Known Member
The reason for the backcross would be to get rid of herm tendancies, but if the strain is difficult to get to hermie, the seeds will be less likely to pass on their herm characteristics.

A herm plant passes on a XX gene, it carries a herm and a female gene, bred with a pure non herm female, there is a 25% chance of getting a herm seed, 75% it doesn't pass on any herm charastics.

This gets a lot of grower's panties in a bunch, because a late developing herm can seed a sensi garden.


Well-Known Member
well so farm there pretty fuckin hard to herm but the pine does herm pretty easy

lets see both the ssxh and the citrus are almost a 1 1/2 years old the story goes liek this

late last year I snagged some clones off a friends plant just at the time of harvest over the winter I got them to a nice size3by3 I then tried to flower them and nothing to cold they then got attacked by rats I then put them outside early they did fine till the middle of the summer got potched I was able to save some clones from ones left behind for dead and was able to save 3 mothers which are what Im fuckin with now and there doing great. and yet no herms at all


Well-Known Member
alrighty guys where underway I've made the silver sloution and been putting it on some testers for 3 days and now have switched the lights to 12/12 just got the gibberlic acid and looking for some help does any one know the right mixing ratio I've herd 500ppm and 100ppm but im hering that the 500 can be to dtrong and kill some plants light stressing starts tommorrow


Active Member
I read somewhere that soaking seeds in a mixture of water and female hormones(birth control pills) can help feminize seeds. Now my project is by no means scientific, but I crushed 2 tabs (from the girlfriends stash) with a few ounces of water and let the seeds soak for a day before putting them into rockwool to germinate. 5 out of the 5 seeds germinated. 1 went hermie, but the other 4 were female, so it worked well for me.
If you don't have access to birth control pills there is another option. There is a product behind pharmacy counters (at least in the U.S.) called plan B. Where I live you don't need a prescription, you just have to be 18. These are the same thing as birth control and it has 2 tabs. Only problem is that it costs $40.
Just another perspective......Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Genetic code isn't affected by stress though, only the metabolism/health of the plant..
Responsibly bred feminized seeds will have a reenforced resistance to hermaphrodism (random mutations aside), but that can only help so much.. The problem is inbreeding causes developmental problems.. Even the best feminizing candidates can go herm when sufficiently stressed, but the self polinated seeds are likely to be plagued with a bunch of developmental defects that can essentially constitute enough stress to herm that plant..
Back crossing helps weed out the retardations.. If possible it would be best to stress two, and apply the other's pollen to each, and then back cross.. But thats easier said than done.. Even with immense caution it would be a craps shoot as to the father of a seed..


Well-Known Member
well im going with the tryed and tested here just testing to let all know if it works or not

now as in regaurd to the birth controll im hereing many a thing and nwo listening to any of it these are just some of the shit i've herd
1 it turns males back to females
2 it makes you plant grow 2time the size
3it makes all your plants female

its human hormones in that shit
gibberillic acid is a natural plant hormone just pure its been aroudn 100 years
now there are some other uses I've herd one seeds there germ faster stronger and more bud sights and on growing plants veggin makes them grow fuckin hugh and on females turns them males

but I need to know the ratios any ways fuck it im goin with the 100 ppm to be safe and not sorry grow journal starting up soon


Well-Known Member
If you think info on feminizing is wishy-washy, then good luck with the hormone line of questioning.. I've heard about estrogens, and gibberellins, and a wide assortment of others.. They all seem eerily similar to stress treatments for herming though.. There is one quality thread on sex determination that I know of where the OP claims a 90%+ female rate merely by ensuring optimal conditions in the early stages of plant-life.. In other species that has been observed as well.. Other credible sources though claim that gender is determined 100% at polination.. Perhaps these results are somehow tied to the hermaphrodite tendency..


Well-Known Member
I always thought that sex was determined at pollination, if a hermie female fathered the seed, it wouldn't be able to pass on the male gene. Only a female gene, and a hermie phenotype.

As far as birth control, or estrogen, I haven't heard much about it, but disregarded it as myth, estrogen shouldn't have any effect on plants.

Also if possible, seclude the plants you are experimenting with and pollinate a non-herm plant with the herm, the seeds on the non herm plant are the one's you'll want.


Well-Known Member
You're right there will not be an infusion of male genetics.. But the phenotype will be the same as before stress made that plant go hermie.. I've been hunting hard for any data on whether a 'syndrome' of sorts is caused by herming.. Not a genetic condition per se, but a condition that makes the hermed plant produce sick offspring regardless of who the father is.. There must be a cost to herming and growing both flowers..


Well-Known Member
Post up any info you can find on the retarded hermie offspring, and why it happens.


I always wondered but never got a definate answer, just a bunch of theories.


Well-Known Member
That makes sense vigor and fruit size was compromised with further inbreeding, but that was with a cucumber, and it said there wasn't any differance when they repeated the process with squash and watermelon. Homozygosis is what I typically thought would occur when inbreeding cannabis, but haven't found any plant specific studies.

Everyone knows inbreeding creates problems, that's why Kentucky is the way it is, I work there :bigjoint:

I like how it said the seed weight wasn't affected :bigjoint:

like that's what matters :dunce: