totally untrue info m8...
fem seeds are no more likely to hermie then regular seeds... the processes of making fem'ed seeds doesn't induce any hermie traits in the plants, unless the plants already had a hermie trait present to begin with, in which case, breeders shouldn't really be using that strain to do any sort of breeding with, whether it be reg's or fem's imvho...
making fem'ed seeds, breeders use a chemical to induce male flowers to grow on an otherwise normal female plant.. it's only the chemical that makes the plants grow male stamen.. take away the chemical, the plant would never grow balls...
it's pretty much the same procedure that a person getting ready to get a sex change operation goes through.. a male would take female estrogen, and as a result the male would start to develop breasts, have a higher voice, and less body hair.. it's only the chemical causing these things.. stop taking the estrogen, and the man boobs disappear, the voice gets deeper, and body hair returns...
we wouldn't think that a man taking estrogen, if he had kids, the kids would then be hermies, as we all know that's not how nature works.. it's the same thing with plants.. there is no hermie trait present in true breeding female plants used to make fem seeds, it's only the chemical used that makes the plant throw balls.. take away the chem, no balls.. so long as you don't spray the offspring with the same chems that you used on it's mom / dad, the plants won't grow balls either..