Well, basically theres nothing wrong with feminized seeds at all, in fact some people would rather use feminized seeds when theyre looking for good specimens for breeding plants, because they already know that theyre going to be female, and they just need to find the one with the most desireable traits from that point, which is easy, and less of a hassle than having to grow out plants, n then weed out the males first. BUT, theres alot of people out there who dont like to use feminized seeds, because of the chemical process involved in creating them.
They take a female plant, one with desirable traits in her, that somebody wants to keep. They then proceed to take Gibbirillic acid, and brush it onto however many branches they want to. Gibbirillic acid forces a female plant to produce fully viable pollen. They then collect the pollen from this still female plant, and then they store it. Now that they have Parent A from theyre crop, all they need to do is find Parent B - the other female with equally or greater desireable traits in her. They then mix the female plants pollen (1tsp pollen to 3 tsp flour) with flour that has been put in the microwave for 2 minutes and allowed to cool off - this sterilizes the flour, and once the pollen is mixed in, its easier to use, plus you dont waste a shitload of the pollen that youve collected from the previous female. So they take the pollen/flour mix, and they take a small soft paintbrush, and they gently brush on the pollen onto any of the branches on the new female, until they feel that theyll have enough branches pollenated to produce copious amounts of seeds.
from that point the plants do their thing, and produce feminized seeds. That was just one of the ways they make them, but like i began to say before i got into the how, was that alot of master growers dont like to use feminized seeds because of this process - using chemicals to produce an unnatural reaction in a plant is somthing that alot of people are fine with, but organic purists and alot of growers with "principles(for the sake of argument, lol)" will say that they would rather use regular seeds and just weed out the males.
You could also force a female plant to stress out naturally to the point to where it pollenates herself, creating femmed seeds, but these seeds are more likely to produce hermies than the Gibbirillic method. The chemical method actually produces what seedbanks call 100% all female seeds, but theres really no such thing. when your toying with the natural order of things, nothing is for sure.
but all in all i would use femmed seeds any day of the week

my entire grow is femmed seeds, n ill do it again damnit!!!
(sorry about goin off topic for the whole post, but im bored, and i figured id just type somethin. I figure as long as its a fact, you guys wont mind, lol
