Feminized PPP SCROG. CFL-Veg & 400W HPS-Flower...comments welcome


Well-Known Member
I'm also very happy with my fem PPP
that's the one good thing that came out of my dealings
with Nirvana.


Well-Known Member
everyone that sees my PPP mother says that she
is the most beautiful, healthy plant they've seen.
tight internodes, lush, green, and huge.
I have have her in a 14 gallon rubbermaid tub that sits in a 20
gallon rubbermaid tub with a wick system.


Well-Known Member
sorry, didn't mean to spam up your thread...
guess I got excited.
when I saw we use the same nutes and seeds.
and I'm stoned


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure. Once the screen is 60% full I'll switch the lights to 12/12. It'll be a while.


Well-Known Member
so you let them get 7-8 nodes tall, top them, then start to weave them through the fence so just the colas can come up? screen growing hasnt ever made much since to me i guess,

You dont weave them. You train the plant along the underside of the screen and make sure that each hole gets a bud formation. The fanleaves under the screen are removed later so that they plant can use the light where it needs it and that's up on top of the screen making buds. Trust me, read up on scrog. It will double your yield if you use it correctly.


Well-Known Member
Day 78 of veg... it takes a lot longer to veg with scrog.

My 600

The girls are finally starting to fill the screen out a little bit. I'd say I have another 3 weeks to a month to veg before I flip to 12/12. I'm very excited to see this play out.


Well-Known Member
well written interesting journal ive learnt a lot reading it cant wait to see how it plays out good luck chap good growin


Well-Known Member
I will be way done before you but i cannot wait to see how this ends up. I started flowering when they where only 8 or 9 " tall... hehehe.. But then .. you have soooo much more room... good luck man..


Active Member
i had never heard of the scrog method before reading your journal. i think i might do some research on this method and give it a try if i like your results. thanks


Well-Known Member
The net is 45 to 50% full and I would rather flower too early than too late. I've heard horror stories about guys fighting with overgrown nets and that hurts your yield. Therefore I've decided to flower. The lights went off 2 hrs ago as I start flowering tonight.

Everything I've read says that I can expect the plants to stretch quite a bit so we'll see how that works out.

Here's a view of the top of the net yesterday. Also there's a view of the underside so I can show you how I've trained the stems along the net. Wish me luck.



Well-Known Member
Buds are starting to form now. However, due to my feeding error and a Nitrogen deficiency I dont think these plants are going to stretch enough to fill the entire net(plants are a little stunted).

Anyway, I've tried to correct that over the last month with solid Nitrogen feedings and the plants are loking better. Anyway, here's a couple of pictures I took today.
