females, cloning and, Hermies.


Active Member
my question is, if you clone a hermie that just showed sex aprox 2 weeks into flower, would cloning and reveging result in another hermie in the next flower "season" or a female?

now here are my assumptions which led me to the conclusion it would be a female.

1) Hermie-ism is induced by stress, such as light poisoning, nute defficiencies etc.

2) a female plant will be a female from the begining. it is DNA determined

3) sex only shows during flowering

4) plants can be reveged and stimulates seasons.

thus if a plant is cloned as it is showing hermie traits, reveged, and given a better environment, and then induced into flowering once again by flipping 12/12 lights, it will not need to resort to the "emergency plan" as it did before, and will continue to be the wonderful female it has always wanted to be.

I ask this because i have an outdoor plant, and came outside one night to see that it grew into reach of light from a street light post. im afraid it would turn hermie, so i wana clone now but am afraid the hermie it *might* turn into is a permenant change.

-soil = MG with time release (no nute burnz)
-watered every other day with MG indoor plant food aprox NPK 9-9-9

pce. happy growin


Active Member
anyone in here? with 150+ viewing this section of the forum i would of expected an answer by now. no offence.

happy growing. pce.


New Member
Well, you don't know if the plant was stressed enough to become a hermie, you are only assuming that it "might," right?

So, in that case, take cuttings as normal, veg them out ... and begin the process all over again. You should be OK.



Active Member
Well, you don't know if the plant was stressed enough to become a hermie, you are only assuming that it "might," right?

So, in that case, take cuttings as normal, veg them out ... and begin the process all over again. You should be OK.


thnx. yea im concerned it will turn hermie due to the light "poisoning". but i will take clones tmrw because i have no time today. but theoretically is this plausable? and she will be flowered to completion no matter the outcome.

this is going on my list of MJ Mythbusters that i conduct every once in a while.

anyother oppinions?