

Active Member
Hahah drop over man we trys her out!!
Thanks man yeah it was a interesting experience so far but im glad i ran into these problems i have learned alot, check out my grow below for the details and pics, acidic soil, hermie, springtales lol they are harmless just had to put it in there,
still no sign of seeds a week after i removed the hermie lookin pods.. she smells like a grape fruit lol my 60 to 100x pocket scope is on the way to see when shes done the molasses and seaweed tea does its job pretty damn well by the looks of things i have alot of weekly and daily pictures throughout my flowering, Thanks again for your help!!


Well-Known Member
those spots arent ph, those are calcium deficiency spots, usually happens cuz your plant is growing fast. your leaf tips are singed, even the new one(it only gets the tips just barely) which means potassium deficiency, thats no suprise though cuz your plant gulps that stuff down more than anything, especially while flowering, so feed her some more K it makes "fruit" large and dense. K should be the highest nute throughout the grow(grow bible says so, and other sources but im too lazy too list all my references...

View attachment 1745647

potassium see the leaf in the very top left corner, its tips are barely singed which is the earliest sign of K deficiency
View attachment 1745649


Active Member
those spots arent ph, those are calcium deficiency spots, usually happens cuz your plant is growing fast. your leaf tips are singed, even the new one(it only gets the tips just barely) which means potassium deficiency, thats no suprise though cuz your plant gulps that stuff down more than anything, especially while flowering, so feed her some more K it makes "fruit" large and dense. K should be the highest nute throughout the grow(grow bible says so, and other sources but im too lazy too list all my references...

View attachment 1745647

potassium see the leaf in the very top left corner, its tips are barely singed which is the earliest sign of K deficiency
View attachment 1745649
Thanks Man but yeah its nutrient lockout from acidic soil! and the leaves are singed from the light bulbs i got the problem under control now no more leaves dying no more brown spots spreading i thought it was a deficiency at first and tried to correct it but didnt work then i tested my soil run off and it was like 4.5 to 5.0 sizzilin so i got some dolomite lime crushed watered it in over the last few weeks and now shes leveling out above 6.0


Active Member
If you don't have any problems you don't learn any thing......welcome them as much as ya may hate them.
yes thats right hey you learn from your mistakes and will know for next time, i have a few battles under my belt so far lol, lost plants from nute burn and overwatering, spider mites, now all the problems i went through with this one but i overcome these problems from growers help here at RIU like yourself Appreciate it man Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
those spots arent ph, those are calcium deficiency spots, usually happens cuz your plant is growing fast. your leaf tips are singed, even the new one(it only gets the tips just barely) which means potassium deficiency, thats no suprise though cuz your plant gulps that stuff down more than anything, especially while flowering, so feed her some more K it makes "fruit" large and dense. K should be the highest nute throughout the grow(grow bible says so, and other sources but im too lazy too list all my references...

View attachment 1745647

potassium see the leaf in the very top left corner, its tips are barely singed which is the earliest sign of K deficiency
View attachment 1745649
Magnesium def
1tsp/gal water of Epsom Salts


Active Member
Thanks man i got a few seeds forming on her from a few hermie flowers i picked off and pollinated a couple buds i hoped to get more but i only see like 4 seeds which is still good for me!!