

Active Member
Sounds like you are on the right track, good work. I am using only 6 cfls for my one plant and my plant could prolly yeild more if i added more light, but like Jay420 said, ima try to get my personal grow with cfls own first . I have a 450 hps waiting for me after this grow is done. I will be following your grow as well.


Well-Known Member
thanks yeah i would love to get it but wait till later. lol just because i will want to get it and i will be gone for the next couple of days. I wont keep pics up long probably for 48 hours + .... and the hairs are getting longer and they are like multiplying EVERYWHERE and I believe thats amazing for a first timer :D ..... by the way I dont know if this is easy to answer...... but how soon do you start to see the buds form is that in the end........ I know I wont see them for awhile but I am making a carbon filter soon and I wanna know when they will be forming. Not that they dont smell very skunky already, but not too noticeable until you are about 3 feet... lol smells like its gonna have dank buds :)


Well-Known Member
About how long into flowering are you? Id say a couple more weeks and you will start to notice some lil nuggs forming. If I knew how many weeks into flowering you were I could give you a rough estimate.


Well-Known Member
beginning of the second week..... (12 days) one didn't preflower they have to turn to 12/12 they are rapidly coming in but i am still seeing some growth to it........ sadly its like 14 1/2 '' and should get to 16-18 inches. but anyway I have a 9'' she did preflower (got two different strains) and i just wanted to do my first grow lol she should get to about 14-19'' ..... and she is forming clusters faster than the other...... I had a male and I just tried to pollenate her today with the q-tip on the lower branches dont know if it was exactly done right but I am keeping the pollen just incase it doesn't form seeds on the bottom branches.


Active Member
thanks yeah i would love to get it but wait till later. lol just because i will want to get it and i will be gone for the next couple of days. I wont keep pics up long probably for 48 hours + .... and the hairs are getting longer and they are like multiplying EVERYWHERE and I believe thats amazing for a first timer :D ..... by the way I dont know if this is easy to answer...... but how soon do you start to see the buds form is that in the end........ I know I wont see them for awhile but I am making a carbon filter soon and I wanna know when they will be forming. Not that they dont smell very skunky already, but not too noticeable until you are about 3 feet... lol smells like its gonna have dank buds :)
Im at 3wks and already starting to see the buds, My girl has had a skunky smell to her since she was like 2wks old , I had to build a carbon filter fast.....now the smell is outrageous thank you carbon filters!!! Keep it up lets see some pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Well so far it sounds like everything is going good for you. Good idea puttin pollen on the lower branches too, save the nice big cola for smokin. I think about another 2-5 weeks or so (also strain dependent) and you should start seeing some nice bud formations, but they will fatten up till the end of flowering. How tall do you want them to be? 18" is plenty big if your growing indoor, well to me it is anyway lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah but do you know how much yeild you get off of your 14-18'' ? I am a heavy smoker could smoke an ounce in a week and a half if I am not careful.. lol..... thats the reason I wanted to know. I know it has to do with strain but since I dont know what strain(s) could be and hopefully I will find out soon how much yeild I will get. UGH and I am definetly gonna put some pictures of the buds up especially when I am done with the grow but there I go again getting ahead of myself....lol......


Well-Known Member
Lol, well after this grow, you should def invest in a HPS b/c it will increase your yield alot. Unless of course you get a few 125watt clfs or something. You can keep it cfl if you want. Its just your preference, if heat is an issue, etc. But the 150watt HPS is cheaper than the 125watt cfl I think not sure tho. Im going to use my hps, then supplement with some cfls in flowering maybe. Or you could throw in like 15 42watt and 27 watt mix cfls with some y inverters for more sockets.


Well-Known Member
YEAH i just got back from the store..... got some higher wattage... have some 60watters (highest they had in stock) but i got about 12 and some lamps so we will see..... lol i got alot but I dont know if i need to use them all i think i am gonna use 3-4 bulbs to each plant and see how that works that will be around 400watts. i got some heavy duty power strips and timers so they should hold for the 12/12 cycle...... I came back and then checked on my plants and they are HAIRY very HAIRY you can smell them about 6 feet from the grow area so excited :)


Well-Known Member
If you have almost 400watts in clfs you are gonna do great! Im not to sure on the yield, maybe after you post a pic I can tell ya. Great score on the 60 watters! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks I am so excited to see how they work out. I am going to try to get the pics up later on tonight or tomorrow depending on when my new battery is finished charging one is now 15'' (as of yesterday) we will call her Angel.
And the other one is 10'' and lets call her Fay (yes after the storm, thought it would be good to remember lol)
Fay seems to be getting hairier faster , but it doesn't have a lot of branch growth like the other one. I believe with the 12/12 cycle the branch growth will start showing up and growing better.
Angel she has a bunch of good branches and she looks really really good as far as branch growth and though unfortunatly 2 times now it decided to do 2 major growth spurts and was burnt at the to twice so when the pictures are up thats what the brown is. But I rearranged the lights so that it shouldnt be able to happen again.


Active Member
I DONT KNOW if this will help too i have right now at only 6 days into flowering 10 shoots with long hairs and looks like 5 more shoots will be up in the next 12 hours with hairs...
one more question i have a male i really really want some seed but not to take to much energy from the plant and to take over the crop i hear that the q-tip is the best way to go and to just spread it on the bottom branches.... has anyone tried this and got great results
you'll have better luck with a paintbrush.. remove the male from the room, collect pollen, brush it on a branch you want to pollinate, afterwards put a sadwich bag over the section to prevent it from affecting the rest of your garden, goerge cervantes practices this method.


Well-Known Member
wow suprised that you actually looked at a CFL grow.... but thanks for the advice the male is in another grow room I gotta find an old paintbrush I know I have one somewhere.... thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
okay so update...
it seems like 'angel' is as tall as its going to be at 17 1/2 inches tall and the other one fay is growing slowly 11 1/2 inches but its still growing .......... but with her i did the pollen with a paintbrush thing and it seemily is getting the leaves to turn yellow because all the others are fine and they were happy until i tried the pollen........ so I am in week three (the beginning) and we will see whats happening
i finally got my camera to work so tomorrow pictures!!!!!


Well-Known Member
okay here is Angel standing at 22 inches tall!!!!!!! only 2 pics of her as of now..... and not so good ones of her but here you go



Well-Known Member

and this is faye the other female in my life lol she seems to be happy at only 11 inches tall and doesn't seem to be thinking of getting any bigger .... they are in the middle of there 3rd week in flower.... let me know what you think about my beautiful ladies


Well-Known Member
THANKYOU i am glad you posted on here i had a question for you.... when did you stop your nutrients because the 30th of this month will be 42 days in flowering and I dont know when i am supposed to do the flush. Also on the new leaves in the buds there are like crystals forming are these the tricombs? or are the tricombs on the hairs. I thought I knew and I just wanna be sure that i am looking at the right stuff thanks