Female to male ratio.

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Well-Known Member
I started ten plants, my partner started twenty. I just started my 12/12 schedule last monday, so far I have seven females and I can't tell the other three as of this morning.

My partner, out of his twenty he started, he ended up with eight females. This is my third grow and I have been at sixty five percent female to male ratio with this one even higher. These are just regular seeds, not feminized.

Why do you suppose he gets such a low ratio of females to males in his grows and I get more females than males. He is consistently under fifty percent female to male ratio. We generally go by the fifty fifty rule but I always get more and he gets less females. What's up?


Active Member
i always end up at about the 60% ratio, when they show their sex i put the males outside and let them grow for hash making


its just the way the dice roll and if you look at this way if a female plant yeilds 1000 seeds 500 can be females 500 can be males. When seed banks / breeders make their seeds they are made / sold in big batches so there's a chance that thoes male to female odds change since you might get more male seeds then females or more female seeds then males


Well-Known Member
i had 65 plants all femenized seeds. 1 didnt grow at all. and i got 3 males....the other 61 went all the way to harvest.
with regular seeds ive had 4 female 6 male.
then 6 female, and 4 males. you really never know but the chances are basically 50 50 which is why i only buy femenized

Illegal Smile

Getting more or less than 50% is just a coincidence. On the other hand, Einstein said coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.


alot of people say that the way you germinate your seeds and such will determin if its gonna be a male or female. imo I think its predetermined when the polin takes and gets the female plant preg.

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Well-Known Member
Ordered 30 or so feminized from Nirvana, 100% female ratio.
I just received my order from the attitude. I got the variety pack of sativas from greenhouse seeds and sour cream feminized which is a cross of sour diesel and g13 haze. I also ordered jock horror and malawi 99 regular seeds. I'm hoping to get some males so I can make seeds. I don't want to put out a couple of hundred bucks every time I buy seeds...but I will if I have to.