Female seeds/ feminized


Have had good results ,though decades ago importing female seeds from the femaleseeds website from the Netherlands. I would like to know if I can obtain good feminised seeds still. I enjoyed the Grapefruit. Worried about scams. Need quality


Well-Known Member
Have had good results ,though decades ago importing female seeds from the femaleseeds website from the Netherlands. I would like to know if I can obtain good feminised seeds still. I enjoyed the Grapefruit. Worried about scams. Need quality
I still have great luck and service for Netherlands region.


Well-Known Member
Im planning on popping a some fems tonight. First nownlaterz x rainbow belts from CW. There website is great and havnt had issues
Next round 2 of Amazake which is motorbreath 15 x horchata by wyeast. I got this through the kindness of the rollit up community but i think the fem line is still available for certain strains. I cannot recommend this strain enough it was gangbusters!!!!!
Then im in. Toss up between solfire bitties and exotic dirty buffalo..... either way visit area 51 seedbank and you will find the heat


Well-Known Member
Can you expand on that brother. Appreciate any current advice with reference. No drama otherwise.
Just read it
Can you expand on that brother. Appreciate any current advice with reference. No drama otherwise.
For the last several years I've ordered seeds from " Royal Queen Seeds " , have always been high quality and overseas deliveries very quick.
No drama otherwise ? Don't understand. If ya have anymore questions just whistle.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I done some femaleseeds Netherlands it wasn't difficult to see they were quality plants/genetics.

My particular lot hermied but weren't fertile, the hermie is a trait of the strain (skunk special) I didn't regard it as a breeder problem.

I'd buy female nl again yes.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't chance losing a shipment by importing when there are so many great genetics everywhere
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