Female seeds, Do I need males?


Well-Known Member
You should read the growfaq at the top. Female marijuana plants give you BUDS not males. A seed can be either female or male or both, and there is no way to tell what is what until a couple weeks in the grow. Feminized seeds give you a better female ratio


Well-Known Member
You do not want a male any near your females! you want buds not seeds. Seeds of course off a good strain can get you lot's of money, but just for your own pleasure you just want females, they bud real nice without males. Also you do need to look around the site a little more and you can find all the information you need. All the " big pro growers" tend to get tired of answering the same questions over and over, so if you can look around, you'll learn everything you need, and if you do have a question some one will help you. But for your question this time, no male is the rule of thumb Good Luck to you!!!


Well-Known Member
the male plant pulls out and spits his bukake all over the female plants face. thats what makes it so sticky. and then because she cant shower and she has the male bukake all over her vagina it starts to smell really bad like a skunk... thats why the plants start to smell after a while


Active Member
the male plant pulls out and spits his bukake all over the female plants face. thats what makes it so sticky. and then because she cant shower and she has the male bukake all over her vagina it starts to smell really bad like a skunk... thats why the plants start to smell after a while
ere,he waz only askin a simple question,no need 2 b rude.yes u need to plant 2 males and a female together to germinate the female.put a paper towel over them,bit like a blanket for them,they have 2 b nice an warm to cuddy up 2 eachother,u shud never peek,it puts them of,slows down the sex drive,the strongest male kicks the other male out, and u r left wit the dominant male, for stronger bud,when the bisness is done, the female kicks the male out,and he has to pay maintainince for the rest of his life


Well-Known Member
ere,he waz only askin a simple question,no need 2 b rude.yes u need to plant 2 males and a female together to germinate the female.put a paper towel over them,bit like a blanket for them,they have 2 b nice an warm to cuddy up 2 eachother,u shud never peek,it puts them of,slows down the sex drive,the strongest male kicks the other male out, and u r left wit the dominant male, for stronger bud,when the bisness is done, the female kicks the male out,and he has to pay maintainince for the rest of his life

You know what ???? Asking a simple question is one thing. Asking a general question in the HYDROPONICS area is just someone that is lazy or just stupid!! So yes when either one applies you have to be able to take the heat!! As far as your WTF explanation for his question i recommend that YOU go to the FAQ area and do your own reasearch!!

DO YOUR OWN WORK PEOPLE!!!! READ and RESEARCH your own shit then come to the board and ask a educated question in the right catagory.

Dont come into the HYDRO section and ask do you need a male for feminized seeds??? WTF?????

OK i am done


Active Member
You know what ???? Asking a simple question is one thing. Asking a general question in the HYDROPONICS area is just someone that is lazy or just stupid!! So yes when either one applies you have to be able to take the heat!! As far as your WTF explanation for his question i recommend that YOU go to the FAQ area and do your own reasearch!!

DO YOUR OWN WORK PEOPLE!!!! READ and RESEARCH your own shit then come to the board and ask a educated question in the right catagory.

Dont come into the HYDRO section and ask do you need a male for feminized seeds??? WTF?????

OK i am done
who the fuck rattled ur cage,can nobody hav fun anymore.or did this hit a raw nerve.did ur miss kick u outa bed an now u hav 2 pay maintaince


Active Member
I am not trying to be an ass, but I am really confused. If I had all females, and from seed they grew into a plant, would I need to have a male in order to grow any buds? I ask because I see formalized seeds for sale, and not sure if male is still needed. I read all the FAQs and am still confused. So please explain.

Thank you for being understanding... At least some of you


Well-Known Member
weed you smoke comes from the female plant only. the only reason you want a male is to have it pollinate a female and produce more seeds. most people avoid this because it reduces the potency of the weed.

corral hollow kid

Well-Known Member
I am not trying to be an ass, but I am really confused. If I had all females, and from seed they grew into a plant, would I need to have a male in order to grow any buds? I ask because I see formalized seeds for sale, and not sure if male is still needed. I read all the FAQs and am still confused. So please explain.

Thank you for being understanding... At least some of you
trust me, you ONLY want female plantalonies.



Well-Known Member
Just females!!! You will get the buds you want from JUST FEMALES. Most all of us Pull the males. You don't need them. If you want more plants you make sure you have all females and then you pick one out that will be a mother plant, then you clone off that one. That way you are assured of another female, you keep that mother plant alive, you need to look into this a bit more because I'm just trying to keep it short. The only way I do it is by clones, The bummer about this is if you want to try more strains then you can either go the seed route or you can get clones if you know where to hunt them down. Clones are just a cutting off of the mother plant and you dip it in rootone and then plant it and then it too will grow up and be big and strong, You can actually keep the strain alive for ever if you do it right. Trust me I have been doing this for at least 30 years, you do not need a male plant ever!! Well maybe if you decide you want to go for seeds. Males have balls and they pollinate the female pistils ( hairs) Then it makes seeds. I don't know why those other bozo's where bitching at each other earlier. You will get to know who to listen to and who to just ignore pretty quickly on here. Just keep reading and you will see everything you need to know about growing, the light, and cloneing, and curing in the end. If you don't cure it right your missing out on some great smooth smoke there,I never cured for a few years while I was young never again. I'll wait now. Oh and one other thing. Ther isn't such a thing as a stupid question, we will answer you on anything you need to know. But there are people who get on your thread and just be pessimistic like been there done that or how many times do we have to answer that question. Don't let that get ya. And first and fore most is don't over complicate the grow. It's actually easy they are weeds and will put up with alot. Just don't over water, or get the light too close and burn them, or too far away and then they get too leggy. And we are suckers for pictures. Post pictures and your sure to get your answer. Good Luck!! P.S. Desertrat knows his shit so he is one of the good ones. And here is a chart to make sure you have all females. It tells you what a male looks like as well as femalesFlower graphic

corral hollow kid

Well-Known Member
My flower room is definitely big enough to put a 250w HPS lamp over a 2X4 flood tray just to sex out the seedlings being brought from the veg room into the flower room. hmmm. I wonder if I can actually do that under floro then put the femes under the HPS? anybody know? so many options!!!:weed:

I personally don't want ANY male plants in my flower room. I want to harvest male pollen and selectively make seeds. I am trying to find a place to "quarantine" the male until I clip his parts off.:o

It is $100.00 USD for 14 quality seeds here! Damn good thing I know somebody who knows somebody...if you know what I mean!:-P


Well-Known Member
I am not trying to be an ass, but I am really confused. If I had all females, and from seed they grew into a plant, would I need to have a male in order to grow any buds? I ask because I see formalized seeds for sale, and not sure if male is still needed. I read all the FAQs and am still confused. So please explain.

Thank you for being understanding... At least some of you
here is the deal man males are bad unless you want seeds
feminised seeds are tweaked to produce mostly females.
if you get a male do what i do calmly slip a bag over the entire plant and yank it

females only. check your plants for sex


Well-Known Member
My flower room is definitely big enough to put a 250w HPS lamp over a 2X4 flood tray just to sex out the seedlings being brought from the veg room into the flower room. hmmm. I wonder if I can actually do that under floro then put the femes under the HPS? anybody know? so many options!!!:weed:

I personally don't want ANY male plants in my flower room. I want to harvest male pollen and selectively make seeds. I am trying to find a place to "quarantine" the male until I clip his parts off.:o

It is $100.00 USD for 14 quality seeds here! Damn good thing I know somebody who knows somebody...if you know what I mean!:-P

I have kept a couple of males apart from the females but when they got ready, or close to ready I put a clear plastic bag over it then collected the pollen, then and did a paint brush thing to the pistils, I dipped the brush just ever so lightly and then just a touch on the female and you do get seeds, and you get your buds too, I had to mark off the ones I pollinated but it worked like a charm. I have used just plain ol shop lights in the past and it works fine, I now have a 600 watt hps my first one I'm soo proud!! I have a room for veg and then a different room for the hps. I did the pollinating from a live male plant, I don't know how well it will work with a clipped male, Hmm is that like netuering? LOL