Female Seeds C99


Well-Known Member
Dude there's a few awesome grow journals on here..check out Puffdatchronic's grow, pretty sure Kite High has some pics of his C99's in the same thread :) there's a few other good ones as well!


Active Member
I have really been wanting to get ahold of this aswell!!! I have a Spacequeen pheno from a pack of Tga's Plushberry. Its the closes thing to a c99 I have my hands on right now..lol I remember as a kid though a family member had a c99, I was young and in experienced but man we would rip the bong a play some playstation! I remember being higher then the sky! I cant wait till I can get my hands on some to run myself! I keep hoping I run into some through my trades and friends but no luck yeah. Sure I will be ordering a pack soon though!


Well-Known Member
I was mainly concerned about odour but what ive read seems to confirm is lower on the scale so looks like ill be ordering


Well-Known Member
Puff's had mixed results with the odor of the one's he grew, first on3 he said didn't smell at all, the second one he got rid of as it smelt too much..either way the majority of posts ive read all say it doesnt smell much, hence why i'll be trying it out next ;)


Well-Known Member
Only thing I can contribute is that it has been the only plant I've ever had spider mites on! Not a bad high, but only grew one plant, so not a fair representation.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
got a Female Seeds Cinderella 99 going now. it's closing in on 5' tall and flowering and beginning to smell like pineapples. love it.