female? please help:)


Active Member
So are these pistils? Any info needed about 20 days old. Just wondering if its showing sex or those are just something else.


Well-Known Member
I dont see any pistils yet but the picture isn't very good. Your probably gonna have to wait another week or two until they start to show. What your seeing is probably just new vegetative growth.

Do you see any white hairs like these?
View attachment 2520057


Well-Known Member
So those two little things poking out are not pistils?
I can't tell for sure because of picture quality but if they look sort of like two white hairs like I put a picture of then yes they are pistils. 20 days is a bit early for preflowers to begin showing. Your gonna have to wait 25-35 for preflowers to show


^No, the more visible green protrusions there at the internodes are not pre-flowers, those are called stipules I believe and every plant usually has those (not an indication of sex).