female plant with seeds ?


Hi guys/gals, having some problems with this grow, trying to confirm this as a pollenated female in my grow room. these 2 plant went crazy and shot up over 6 ft tall , gangly and spindly and don't know why.It started to bud with the rest of my grow but kinda slow and just sat there not developing . When the rest are doing great with nice fat long buds 2 1/2 in around 3 ft tall . I pulled 5 male plants 8 -9 days ago with one that managed to pop a couple sacks ( bad I know) and I planted only 1 reg seed still a mistery how I got the other 4 males ! I misted the budding plants and none of the others were effected. Seems odd to me because these 2 plant were just barely showing any hairs now these 2 plants are covered in seed next to the nodes and stem and not from the buds. I am not sure what that means since this is my second grow. I have bin trying to find reading on hermied plants to under stand what that looks like but not really finding enough info to understand what to look forseeds on female plants 007.jpgseeds on female plants 005.jpg It stands to reason that these girls had a little fun with the guys and now seeds but not sure. what you all think?
Seed for sure. Looks like a lil baby watermelon in the pic lol May be good idea to also mist walls, floors, ceiling, even light hood. (of coarse being extremely careful of outlets, cords and light bulbs) If you have not already, get that thing far away from any females you may have left. Pop that seed off for confirmation. Triple kroger bag n toss it. Shower and change clothes. Throw possible tainted clothes in washer asap. Or just spray em.

I have been plagued with seeds from experiments gone wrong for over a month. Let me tell ya, it`s heartbreaking to come in and find your prized tried and true female plants that are weeks away from giving you killer buds all seeded up.


Oh jeeeeeess , I have 3 late comers into the bud room that are just about to flip they could pick up some of that pollen still floating around doesn't sound good !!! I ditched the males a week and half ago. NOT liken this !! I did pop a seed out so they are seeds . this grow is not going so good ...lol ........... I have 8 buddung nicely in there ..........thanks for the input