Female...? Pistils...?


Well-Known Member
Female? Are you seeing what I see? 80% sure I am seeing itty bitty pistils...this is my only Blueberry in my SCRoG tent..

20170703_203927.jpg 20170703_203838.jpg


Well-Known Member
Took me a minute but i deff see it now and yes thats a calyx with perty white pistils coming out. How old is she and what strain if you dont mind?


Well-Known Member
Jimmy...She is 8 weeks and is an Original Blueberry from seed from BC Bud Depot. She is trailing behind my other stain girls which are The Black. The rest of my Original Blueberries turned out to be males.

I am going to keep one male and when he chucks pollen I am going to cross Blueberry with The Black
