Thanks Tommy, yup...first grow. I can grow veggies and orchids just fine...thought with my skills I would do an experiment....without Big Bro watching. Wish I felt comfortable about ordering seeds, etc. but since I can't, this is what happens to me...Hermi!!! Toquer suggested I get a product called "Reverse" and keep her. My few in veg are not ready to flower yet (they are only 3-4 weeks old now), so I have some time to figure all this out. Trial and error...trial and error. The Loner was just an experiment, why not keep experimenting, right?If you don't want your other ladies bred then I would probably get rid of it. If the hermi is in the same room then there's a good chance you are going to get some fertilization. Go to a borders or a smoke shop and get Jorge Cervantes"Marijuana Horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible" This will teach you "Japanese"You can get chemicals that will change the hormones but I wouldn't bother wasting the money. It sounds like this is one of your first grows and this is the fun part about learning how to cultivate this amazing plant!!! When you become a caregiver and you have several patients and you are growing 100's of plant's then I would look into the chemicals. Buy your genetics from online or if you are legal a lot of dispensaries have seeds from actual seed producing companies. I have ordered online and the genetics have been far superior to most of the bagseed that I have cultivated.
Maybe I should start a poll. Something tells me that the majority would most probably agree with you... I could call the poll..."To cull or not to cull...THAT is the question" LOLDef wanna cull that one one.
Cull it unless you want to collect pollen from it. The best part about this is the valuable lessons learned you get from growing.Maybe I should start a poll. Something tells me that the majority would most probably agree with you... I could call the poll..."To cull or not to cull...THAT is the question" LOL
Hey it's all just an experiment!!!! Love it!!! Do what you want. I flowered my first hermi and you spend alot of time picking the male flowers and you have to be diligent and do it at least every other day and you still will have missed someThe tell tale sign when you see that yellow powder on the leaves below
Try to keep the breeding to the minimum and you should have good buds to smoke
MJ is a survivor that's why they hermi and that's why bagseed has alot of this. I ordered my seeds from I'm not promoting them only than I have had 100% satisfaction with their product, stealth packaging and the seeds are reasonably priced (50 or 60 for 15 seeds). They are Canadian so only 1 check point and cash is king it can't be tracked
Trust me when it's steath packaging that's what it's going to be, I've received some cool extra things (headphones,ipod holders etc). Definetly get that book though, every grower has it and yes I am promoting it and Jorge Cervante! Here's some positive feedback and I'm going to subscribe to your thread. Good luck
PS keep your girls veging until you harvest your hermi, this will keep the girls from wanting to get their freak on
this is too funny... sucks that you spent all this time just to find out...Right now, I feel just like I did when I was a kid and I cut my bangs the first time. "OOoooo I will just take off a little more to make them straight...oh well...just a little more...ooooo just a little more." Needless to say, when I was done...I had 1 inch of bangs left. I looked like Hitler and the next day I had school pictures. Not a good thing...but I can laugh about least now I can!!!!
RiddleMe is one to follow. If it was mine I would cull that hermi. That pollen is un-stable so not worth saving. Water kills pollen very fast so I wouldn't worry, just mist everything. I've been trying to say why Fan Leaves (or known as shade) shouldn't be trimmed. Uncle Ben had this great post on why. Hope this helps.I don't know...I just went crazy on it, right? Is it a goner? Riddleme told me not to mess with the plant (back when we thought it was a girl) and gave me a whole explanation about the different leaves (shade/sun) and how they relate to humidity and food storage. Wish I had seen those pics you sent me before I went crazy on the hermi...
Gawd, one reason I hate this topic is I seem to get sucked into it every time LOL!
I respect THE cannabis botanist of all time, Robert C. Clarke and also Mel Frank. I also know botany and have decades of plant growing experience.
In his book "Marijuana Botany", Robert Connell Clarke states that:
Leafing is one of the most misunderstood techniques of drug cannabis cultivation.
He states that there are 3 common beliefs:
1.) Large shade leaves draw energy from the flowering plant and by removing the large fan leaves surplus energy will be available and larger floral clusters will be formed,
2.) Some feel that the inhibitors of flowering, synthesized in the fan leaves during the long non-inductive days of summer may be stored in the older leaves that were formed during the non-inductive photoperiod. Possibly, if these inhibitor-laden leaves are removed, the plant will proceed to flower more quickly when the shorter days of fall trigger flowering,
3.) Large fan leaves shade the inner portions of the plant, and small, atrophied, interior floral clusters may begin to develop if they receive more light.
Few, if any, of the theories behind leafing have any validity.
The large fan leaves have a definite function in the growth and development of cannabis. Large leaves serve as photosynthetic factories for the production of sugars and other necessary growth substances. They do create shade, but at the same time they are collecting valuable solar energy and producing foods that will be used during the floral development of the plant. Premature removal of the fan leaves may cause stunting because the potential for photosynthesis is reduced.
Most cannabis plants begin to lose their larger leaves when they enter the flowering stage and this trend continues on until senescence (death of the plant) He also states that removing large amounts of fan leaves will also interfere with the metabolic balance of the plant. Leaf removal may also cause SEX REVERSAL resulting from a metabolic imbalance
He goes on to say that cannabis grows largest when provided with plentiful nutrients, sunlight, and water, and left alone to grow and mature naturally. It must be remembered that any alteration of the natural life cycle of cannabis will affect productivity.
source - thread, about 15 years ago.
You can stick with who and what you want. I'm not running a popularity contest around here lol.