Female Grower Here That Needs A Lot Of Help

thats the second time someones told me i might have got some bad seeds whats the best website to get seeds from (discreetly of course) so i can put in a new order this week
Ah everyone bashes the seeds or genetics, easy to say but it is a big topic open to a lot of debate, few things to go for are indica strains as they are a lot shorter than sativa strains and produce denser fatter buds, pretty much a must for most indoor grows. My feminised white widow is 75indica and 25sativa, a medium skill level grow, not easy and not hard.

There are tons of seed sites and shops, i live in europe and use Dutch Passion although i only ever bough 10 seeds of them as i made my own for years from these 10 seeds. These guys are basically your industry leaders, there at the start and they will be there at the end, prices are high but you get what you pay for, perfection and quality genetics, a good buy is white widow as a standard.

Always Dutch Passion has been at the top in my eyes and no one really disputes this, the American seed market seems to be more wide open and a lot more choice than Europe but the reputable long standing European/Dutch seed banks seem to be the best choice. As always people will have their favourites but i would say Dutch Passion is the best. I was lucky to get their white widow strain from a few years ago when it was the best seed going on the market, couple years later cheese and blueberry became quite popular but at the time the white widow from Dutch Passion was legendary and i am so lucky to have save those genetics for all my grows.

Funny enough after a lot of breeding i am getting a few plants now and again with three branches to every node, i have 2 in the grow room now like this, maybe it is breeding depression and i need some new genetics in the breeding or maybe i am lucky enough to have some very very good genetics and very desirable hard to find traits. I have yet to work this out!lol!

You get what you pay for with seeds, chep ones are hit and miss but good ones from reputable breeders are exspensive. Peace
unless you get your environment correct you won't be able determine you strains genetic capabilities. I have had the most beautiful looking plants start to finish, and because of room temp and r/h I got very little resin production.
Originally Posted by Hoenhiem

HEY! im putting mine into flower today also (saturday) so i guess that makes us "bloom buddies!"


Good to laugh, i don't mind!lol!

Anyway can we have some updates of the plants and pics, last time we seen things were going good, hopefully you been happily growing along.

Most seeds will be good, dont read into the bad seed hype, yes there are some but you dont get many and even the best companies recomend that you grow 10 seeds or somthing and take the best as a mother and clone that to ensure the best genetics. You cant expect mother nature to be 100percent perfect, at least thats what i tell my girlfriend!lolololol! Peace
ok guys time for a update its been about 2 weeks now into flowering and everything looks good but i do have a little problem, bugs! and they are starting to multiply and the bottom of the plants. How do i get rid of them i read that they can ruin your plants i put up some fly paper this mourning not sure how that is going to work out i would appreciate the help thanks
What bugs, try to identify them, there are flying bugs and crawling bugs on leaves and soil. Flying bugs hate tin foil as the reflection confuses them and covering the pots generally keeps them from hatching larvae in the soil.

Next bug chemicals but knowing what you are dealing with is necessary to know what to do and what chemicals to get. So try and see what you got, thrips, fungus knats, whitefly, aphids, greenfly, scariad fly, spider mites or other, most slithering or crawling larvae hatch into flies eventually.

Just somthing to note, white tiny hopping things in soil are generally springtail, they do not go onto plants but live in the soil, you might see them in the plant runoff as well, these are benificial bugs and you dont want to kill these. Peace
Hmm probably fugus knats or thrips, i get thrips mostly in the UK and dont get the pleasure of fungus knats a lot, all flies love the soil, its the peat they are attracted too.

Just out of info, thrips are flies that dont eat, they lay their eggs in the leaves, the young larvae hatch out and fall into the soil where they live till they can climb up the stem and eat leaves before growing wings and flying off. Most thrips feed in a line hence little lines of destruction and lines of dots, they are small and can hide from you easy, check undersides of leaves for small bugs and especially up against the leaf veins, they like to hide by pressing against the leaf veins so you cant see them.

Thrips are easy to identify on plants but it may take a few hours and they run when the leaves are disturbed or they see shadows, they like moisture and heat so gently breath on leaves to make them come out and investigate. Slippery little fellows, hard to see till they multiply lots in population, cover all pots to revent larvae dropping into the soil and they dryout and die.

My guess is this but you need more closer carefull examination and check other threads and pics. Peace
yea i think i just have some knats and i put some of those hanging fly ribbon paper down by the bottom of the pots and in one day i would say they got about 70-80% of them but there are still a few that are flying around and in the soil is there a safe spray i can use that i can buy from like lowes or a local hardware store?
time for another update the girls are looking good so far smell still isnt very potent but i do think i can see alittle crystal in them i have a question i bought a 150 watt hps bulb and a shop lamp that can hold up to 300 watts but its still not working (i was going to set it in the middle where light was low can someone tell me what im doing wrong here
you guys are a bunch of lames, she mentions female and you guys react like Pavlov's dog. Meanwhile some green pea with a simple question gets 100 views and no response...lmao.
time for another update the girls are looking good so far smell still isnt very potent but i do think i can see alittle crystal in them i have a question i bought a 150 watt hps bulb and a shop lamp that can hold up to 300 watts but its still not working (i was going to set it in the middle where light was low can someone tell me what im doing wrong here

Probably needs a ballast or is the wrong volts/amps/current possibly. I would never mess around with electrics when for a price great standard grow lights are easily obtainable from most stores, i would stick to the current good brands and buy the whole unit bulb and all. As for that i have no idea. Post some pics so we can see the plants, would be good to catch up on them, not overferting them or anything? Peace