Well a pretty hectic thread with lots of advice. Lets try and refine some of it.
First of i thought you were watering and feeding too much, every three days by the sound of it, plants look of but is the soil drying in between waterings? You may be just adding a certain amount of water every three days allowing the soil to stay moist and not waterlogged so this might be working. I do think we need to look into the watering schedule first so please expand this subject.
Yer i only mentioned topping cause they looked tall, first things first on the list so lets talk watering and ferts.
I like your garden, looks green with just minor issues, very good indeed, i wouldn't rush to change things if they are working. Flowering can be a shock to the grower, plant takes on lots of ferts and soil starts to get acidic from the ferts. A flush cleans the soil from the fert build up and brings the pH back up. Most growers underfert or toxify the soil to some degree, hence no tasting crap bud.
It would take me a long time to explain pH and acidic soils, really hard for the new grower to grasp and understand, reading soil runoff is only half of it and dosen't really tell you if the soil is acidic or not. Suffice to say the only cure to acidic soil is lime. Well drained soil, organic ferts and wet and dry cycles help stop the soil being acidic where as damp wet fertilizer rich conditions promote acidity.
Any questions on pH then please research it yourself and then get back to me and ask questions, you need a basic knowledge before i can explain soil pH etc etc, in the end you wont even check the pH of the soil and runoff as you will know it is perfect but until then you got a lot of reading to do.
As always i like your plants and setup, very good, i like the fact that we have a lot of newish members contributing to this thread, maybe we can all learn somthing together and work through these problems with input from everyone. Fire away guys. Peace.