Female....and male??? Why does my female look kinda weird??? Pics included

Im new to this...but I definetly know how to tell a Male plant from a Female plant. My plants have been in flowering for almost a month now, and (as I have posted before....) 2 of my 7 females look very different from the rest. These two are REALLY SUPER tall, very sparse bud on them, and have MANY sections. Well, until recently, the two looked about the same....Now, on one of them, it *almost* looks like theres "balls" INSIDE the buds??? :confused: Maybe this is just a certain type, but none of my other plants have me confused as this one. I attemepted to remove one of these 'ball' looking things, and when I took it off, it was a hard tiny little thing...obviously not a hard mature seed...but maybe a baby one???? Its definetly producing buds, but as I said, the 'ball' looking things have me worried. If it IS possible this is a male and female plant, will this harm my other plants?!?! My other 5 beauties are WONDERFUL looking....and I dont want them having seeds, or becoming 'half male' as well. Is this really what I think it is? or is this just the way some certain strains look?? I have included pics, but really, its hard to notice in them. I just know they look very different from the buds being produced on my other plants.

ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated. If I need to remove this plant from the rest of them, I would like to do it asap! But if this is nothing to worry about, I'd like to be able to put my mind at rest lol.

All four pics are from the same plant. One is of the whole plant itself, and the rest are just pics of the buds. I know that the 'tear drop' looking things arent balls....(where the hairs come out of...)


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The balls you are seeing inside the buds are calyxes. Two stigmas stick out of each one. They will get fatter as flowering progresses and are not male.
The balls you are seeing inside the buds are calyxes. Two stigmas stick out of each one. They will get fatter as flowering progresses and are not male.
Hi, I know its been a few weeks....but I just found SEEDS in that female plant I posted about. (I noticed them because i seen a yellowish banana looking thing on a bud, so I looked closer, and actually picked OFF A SEED). It wouldnt bug me, except that now, I have found some seeds in my OTHER plants. I am NOT happy. They are now 6 weeks into flowering, and I have NO IDEA how the hell my female has seeds. I got rid of ALL the males on time! (if it even LOOKED suspicious....i threw it out). Is there such thing as a female plant that makes seeds?! I just dont know what to do with the plant now....It still has yellow things on it, but it has BEAUTIFUL bud on it too....do I stop growing it? I dont want the pollen to get all over my beautiful other females.... ugh...i dunno what to do!!!! Please help!!!!


Active Member
sounds like your female plant went hermi on ya, if you said you already had found seeds in the other plants then it looks like the pollen spread as well, other wise it would only be on 1 plant, in my opinion it is kinda too late to do anything, they already went hermi and started producing seeds, not good.... you will have a bunch of seeded bud in the long run, VERY seeded... post some pics to get any other info tht could help ya
sounds like your female plant went hermi on ya, if you said you already had found seeds in the other plants then it looks like the pollen spread as well, other wise it would only be on 1 plant, in my opinion it is kinda too late to do anything, they already went hermi and started producing seeds, not good.... you will have a bunch of seeded bud in the long run, VERY seeded... post some pics to get any other info tht could help ya
My plants are sleeping now...but I will post pics tomorrow....

So even though my plants are 6 1/2 weeks into flowering, they're still gonna be full of seeds???? Ive only found a few here and there on a couple plants...but i know they're still growin a little. I'm really really dissappointed. :-( Ive spent a long time on these girls...and for them to be full of seeds because of some crazy phenomenon....is insane to me!!! Is there a reason a female goes hermi?? As I first said when I started this thread, it was a female, with buds and all...and i started noticing balls. I never knew that could happen!! ....also, if this plant has "seeded" my White Widow, are the seeds from it gonna be a white widow cross? or just the same stuff that seeded it??