Fem Seeds or reg seed or auto seed which is better


Well-Known Member
Ok so I am looking to get some seeds, is it wirth the extra money to buy the fem seeds
I read that there is a chance they will turn into herms, and what about auto seeds, or is it better
To just get regs pay less and get more seeds what do you all think?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
But is it true about fem seeds producing herms, and I live in the Us where do you get your seeds


Active Member
Reg's are better by far. Fem's can turn hermi easier. Plus there's more vigor in the regs. Plus if you wanted to make seed you got the option too with regs.


Well-Known Member
all depends on your grow situation, if you have limiited space then fems all the way man dont need to be wasting valuable time/space on growing males. also if you plan on training nothing is worse that ripping a male out of your ScROG screen , so females are best.

as far as feminized seeds having a higher chance to turn hermie, all Mj plants wether they are male or female have the genetic makeup to grow both male and female reproductive organs, it is part of the plants survival mechanism. so reg or fem there is always the chance your going ot get hermies, I just got a hermie on a reg bagseed and all my feminized beans are fine, only polinated a couple of nodes, almost hoping i find a few seeds about they will be gaurenteed female which is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Man I had 7 plants 5 turned hermie and 2 where female, so I am just trying to figure out which way to go
If you go with reg seed you get more for less. But if you go fem you get like 3 or 5 and its almost 100$ unless
Your trying to grow garbage.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i grew out bag seed before and have had many hermies.

reg seeds are good but i cant waste space for 50/50 mix of male and female so i go with mostly fem seeds but also start a few reg seeds also. its not the end of the world if i pull up a couple of males. but i cant pull up half of the plants i start.
i havnt had much for problems with fems. i had a dinafem blue fruit turn slightly herm towards the end, but i beleive the breeder tells you that in the description.

so if you have the space and can start twice as many plants as you want or you want to do a little breeding, then go with reg seeds.

but if you have limited space, then go with fems.


Well-Known Member
For my situation buying feminized seeds is the only way to go. Because of the law I cannot grow more than 4 plants at any given time or else it's a felony charge. I don't buy regular because I would hate to spend the time growing 4 plants and then they all turn out to be male. It's just not feasable for my situation. If you can grow alot of plants and aren't worried about the law then by all means get regular seeds. You can then breed with the males you get if that's something that you are interested in. As far as plants turning hermie on you, I believe that any seed, regular or feminized, can do that. It all depends on how constant you keep your grow room. As long as you keep shit constant hemries should be few and far between with regular or feminized seeds. I have grown 2 feminized seeds, and I had no hermies. This is just my opinion and my experience so far. Hope this helps.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I wuold buy regs if i could, fems if i can't be dealing with males, and i wouldn't touch an auto with a stick (even ignoring the inferior genetics they cost twice as much to grow as it is)

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Whether a plant goes hermie is not because of it being feminized. Plants hermie because of various kinds of stress. Strain is probably the biggest factor as more stable genetics are less likely to hermie.

I see no advantage to regular seeds if you are growing a good old stable strain. Autos are mostly a gimmick, IMO. I recommend a strain like Northern Lights fem from Nirvana. It is easy to grow, resistant to problems, and very stable genetics.


Well-Known Member
When you look up seeds say like on the banks page and they say the thc % is 15 to 20 or some will just give you
Med/ or high how accurate is this. I mean we all want to grow the best stuff possible.


Well-Known Member
Get your seeds from attituede man! I'm 4/4 over the past years.plus the 420 promo is coming! Fem. Seeds.for.life.


Active Member
But is it true about fem seeds producing herms, and I live in the Us where do you get your seeds
Attitude delivers to the US: http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/

They have a promo 4/20/12 - order $45+- and get 3 feminized seeds, plus the UFO's. Use code purple420 for 10% off.

Some seeds breeders don't have feminized so I sometimes get regular if I want the strain. I prefer feminized due to the limits where I live.

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
Fem seeds serve a purpose, they give the consumer the chance to flower all seeds and know (or hope) they are 100% female and not bisexual or male. However the process of making them is not natural and the more that people use these the more companies will produce them.

For those who say, so what you grow your regs I'll grow my fems no big deal, well it is a big deal. Strains are created when a male spews his pollen on a female plant. Virtually all strains available are the creation of breeder A's genetics crossed with Breeder B's genetics (there so much more but I don't want to go into too much detail). As more and more companies sell only fem seeds, it means less option for Father plants making it so that only the breeder can breed 2 of their strains together. For instance say you have (haha had to pause and look up some strains, I don't shop fems) GHS White Widow and also their Great White Shark and you're thinking you know i love the high of this one but wish it grew bigger buds like the other, well problem is there is no father of either to pollinate the other with, this limiting new strain creation.

Go regular, like an earlier poster said if you wanted seeds you can make them. The way I look at it is this, are you in it for some smoke and maybe a few bucks or are you in it for free smoke that is better than anything anyone else around you can get and are willing to take the time to fill your garden with 4-5 (could be more could be less) killer strains that you have hand selected keepers of over a couple years?

Keep in mind if you grow out a 6 pack get 3 fems, even if 2 of those aren't as good as the 3rd you still got free smoke and who knows maybe after a month or so you realize plant 2 is actually a super tasty or super stoney smoke.


Active Member
all depends on your grow situation, if you have limiited space then fems all the way man dont need to be wasting valuable time/space on growing males. also if you plan on training nothing is worse that ripping a male out of your ScROG screen , so females are best.

as far as feminized seeds having a higher chance to turn hermie, all Mj plants wether they are male or female have the genetic makeup to grow both male and female reproductive organs, it is part of the plants survival mechanism. so reg or fem there is always the chance your going ot get hermies, I just got a hermie on a reg bagseed and all my feminized beans are fine, only polinated a couple of nodes, almost hoping i find a few seeds about they will be gaurenteed female which is a good thing.

AGREEEE!!! I only by feminized seeds though its 90% chance to be female. I have 16 in my crop 11 feminized and 5 bag seed.. and one of my bag seeds turned herm, and all others are great and LADY LIKE!! woot.

Been buying feminized seeds for a while and only feminized, and ive never had more than 1 in every bag of feminized turn . maybe im lucky.. but that's not true lol !


Active Member
Def. buy Fem seeds instead of reg. I dont know about Autoflower.
autoflower is a seed that will not need a photosynthesis change for it to start flowering. Meaning you could have a feminized seed that is an auto-flowering seed at the same time. all it means is that you don't need to switch the timer on the light you can run an auto-flowering seed 20 hrs of light per day from seedling to harvest, and it will flower when it get to a certain age AUTOMATIC!!!! BOOYA!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
autoflower is a seed that will not need a photosynthesis change for it to start flowering. Meaning you could have a feminized seed that is an auto-flowering seed at the same time. all it means is that you don't need to switch the timer on the light you can run an auto-flowering seed 20 hrs of light per day from seedling to harvest, and it will flower when it get to a certain age AUTOMATIC!!!! BOOYA!!
"All it means is that you don't need to switch the timer"

Well that and that it is shitty watered down genetics... Why would you opt for crappy genetics when you could just get real genetics and go 12/12 from eed for the same result, and when i say same result i mean similar yield, similar grow time, completely superior genetics, oh, and a cheaper electricity bill.


Well-Known Member
regular seeds for me i have had several hermies from fem seeds and it wasn't caused by stress as someone added earlier because my non fem'd plants didn't hermie only the fem'd,as for auto's they have there place(people living in northern latitudes) i just don't think it's indoors.