fem cotton candy 20 days old from seed cloning advice needed


Active Member
I used coffee grains, other wise Fox Farms Big Bloom, Using there Tiger Bloom now for flowering. Amazing shit!

Edit: USED coffee grains!!!


Active Member
Yea but the other thermometer said 85 but yes i have one at the door of the closet right front of the lights pointed out one on the floor next to the plant blowing out the door and one on a shelf foot n a half up pointed down at the wall to give it indirect air


I am starting some mothers as well, ive heard that you should wait 4-6 months to take clones? is this complete bs or what? they are very healthy and 2.5 months in from seed and was wanting to top too?


Active Member
Just wanted to show her off again lol sorry im just excited this is my first feminized seed grow and i have another seed for when she's done plus the clones i get from her,how she lookin folks??almost looks like the leaves are gettin lime green while the veins are dark green anyone else see this or am i just really high lol??



Active Member
So if i top the last last day of the third week can i top again on the last day of the fifth week and then flower at seven weeks or should it b the last day of the seventh week??