Well-Known Member
thats all i guess???
or IS it…..? *scarrry music*
Probably just some drunk dude firing a pistol.
thats all i guess???
https://www.fivefingerssettlement.comVibrams are AWESOME!! I wear mine all the time. Actually RB, they feel good on your toes. They sort of separate each toe and it feels like a nice stretch. At least mine do. And nothing beats them for walking in river beds and across slippery rocks. Ugly yes. Worse than crocs or berkinstocks.
fuck i didnt know they had a hole section lolz owwwwww no....
Really? That's weak I don't even like feet but I've fucked a pair or two!ya i like feet i dont fuck them thow i never tried it???? but ya i get aroused just likeany other butiful part that a pritty females has that gods blessed her with ya im pritty much afected by the way a female looks that true...
I've seen it done. (not to me). It's funky and both feet meet at the outer soles and sort of curl in around the guy. I couldn't help it- I started cracking up....How do you fuck a foot?
...it's crazy what we're willing to do for other people isn't it? Gah that looks painful.Bound feet were once considered intensely erotic in Chinese culture, and a woman with perfect lotus feet was likely to make a more prestigious marriage. Qing Dynasty sex manuals listed 48 different ways of playing with women's bound feet. Some men preferred never to see a woman's bound feet, so they were always concealed within tiny "lotus shoes" and wrappings. Feng Xun is recorded as stating, "If you remove the shoes and bindings, the aesthetic feeling will be destroyed forever"—an indication that men understood that the symbolic erotic fantasy of bound feet did not correspond to its unpleasant physical reality, which was therefore to be kept hidden.[15] The fact that the bound foot was concealed from men's eyes was considered to be sexually appealing. On the other hand, an uncovered foot would also give off a foul odour, as various saprobic microorganisms would colonize the unwashable folds.