feeling like a newb-mold


Well-Known Member
okay i just harvest a strain of mine that is super dense, and ive never expected mold cause ive never dealt with it anyways. some buds got some mold i didnt notice, just loooked like a frostier part of the bud until upon closer inspection you see its fuzzy and after time forms webs.

well anyways i removed the infected buds from the others that could still be infected. the bud is already dry about a day or 2 away from stem cracking dry. even the moldiest of the bud doesnt look unsmokable. what should i do? >.<

if i microwave the bud thats not infected to speed up the process would that help or even kill the mold? if so it worth the loss of a small amt of potency, maybe not even none.
do not microwave them you will loss your thc if you only have a few id toss them if i had a lot i would make a h2o2 and water bath and dip them and get air blowing on them to get the moister off of them as quichly as i can sounds like you didnot have enough air movement in the first place
I have had my share of mold during dry times .. It is inevitable sooner or later to some extent . I have never lost anything major due to the problem . But I have had to toss some nice large nugs due to this .. I have only faced the common yellow and grey molds and have noticed that they prefer necrotic tissue more than healthy .. Often a simple dead leaf in the middle of a flower will initiate the growth of the mentioned molds .. Air flow is often impeded by drying tissue surrounding wet tissue and this can turn moldy fast if not kept in check ..

Often I see people drying with no fans in the immediate area and I cringe .. All it takes is a few spores to develop and spread and its all over ..

I have noticed out of 25 strains that I run regularly only a few of them are actually prone to molding during the drying period .. The other strains I could hang and walk away from with no worries ..
do not microwave them you will loss your thc if you only have a few id toss them if i had a lot i would make a h2o2 and water bath and dip them and get air blowing on them to get the moister off of them as quichly as i can sounds like you didnot have enough air movement in the first place

im not worried about 9 secs in the micro temps wont reach the point of converting thc to cbd or the trich heads bursting. the bud is about dry now it would just finish drying them. the mold had a lat start fortunately and is just a very small bit.

yeah your right i put them in jars with just to top off. and i did put all of in front of a fan just a little bit ago.

i do not want to re wet them at this point. too dry the bud would never taste right i dont think.
Dead plant material in your res, in/on the ground or on the plant are all likely host sites for any number of maladies. Viruses, molds. Burned dead leaves get trimmed here but others might leave if damage is slight. However anything that causes the leaf to droop or lose vigor shows its ready to be infected - trim away. Do not drop the trimmings in your medium but throw away.