Feeling High When losing Weight

Chris Edward

Well-Known Member
Hello All,
I am curious if while losing weight any of you have experienced a sudden feeling like you are high?

About a month ago I was on a very aggressive diet and I was losing quite a bit of weight and the whole time I stayed away from THC.
Then one day I suddenly got very high, very quickly, it was shocking and caused a panic attack.

Recently I have not been hungry so I am not eating as much and I again am losing weight, last night I woke up and I felt so high it was not a good feeling.
A few hours later I woke up again and I felt fine.

I am curious if anyone else has had something similar happen to them when losing weight.
Will this continue to happen every time I lose more than 10 pounds or will it eventually stop?

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Thank you...
It's probably related to your blood sugar levels, a light-headed feeling.

FYI as someone who has successfully dieted it does sound like you're consuming too few calories per day if you are having such experiences. If you stay within 10% or so below your maintenance level and reduce your weight slowly you will have less issues with feeling bad while dieting and the long-term results will be better. It's not healthy to quickly drop weight.
Sound like blood sugar and/or blood pressure being low, no idea what you are eating so vitamin and mineral levels could be off, no idea about fluid intake so dehydration is also a possibility, there's a lot of possibilities.

But being on TOO aggressive a diet is not good, I lost the blubber at an average of just over 3kg per month and if you're losing more than that faster then that could well be the issue.

Slow and steady, with a good balanced diet and not these "fads", is the way forward. It may take longer to get the results you want but the stress on your body will be lessened.
Ok, perhaps the words "aggressive" was too far, I was leaning toward losing 2 pounds (0.907kg) a week.

Without getting too wordy....forgive me for sounding rude but a dip in blood sugar and feeling high are very different feelings.
I had been on the diet for almost two months, I would think if I were going to have a blood sugar issue it would have happened sooner.
I actually felt quite satisfied on the diet.
I keep calling it a diet, like it was some fad thing, but basically I took the amount of calories it would take for me to maintain my weight and then how much I wanted to weigh one year from then and figured out how many calories I would have to deduct each day, pretty standard stuff.

I have read how sometimes people can feel high when losing weight because the THC is stored in their fat and when they lose weight the THC is liberated again, causing a secondary high.

I am just curious if anyone else has had this happen.
OK, maybe the wording was a bit wrong because that's what they say is the perfect rate for losing weight unless you're one of the heifers on them TLC freak shows where that's what they would lose from getting rid of the blubber on a finger.

I've never had it happen, BUT I went a-googling and the very first thing that came up on a "THC stored in fat" search was a study where they gave rats THC and figured out that when the process of lipolysis occurs, the breaking down of fat cells into fatty acids, the "stored" THC can be released and could do what you say happens to you, confirming other anecdotal evidence from stoners that they have felt the effects when stressed, under conditions of "food deprivation" (which is kinda what dieting is), and so on.

So the scientific evidence is there to back up what you say you feel, and I'm jealous because I got rid of over a quarter of my body weight and never got that extra high so I guess it all comes down to how "chronic" a stoner you are as I'm one of those who takes regular tolerance breaks which might make a difference to the levels stored in body fat.

Here's the study

OK, maybe the wording was a bit wrong because that's what they say is the perfect rate for losing weight unless you're one of the heifers on them TLC freak shows where that's what they would lose from getting rid of the blubber on a finger.

I've never had it happen, BUT I went a-googling and the very first thing that came up on a "THC stored in fat" search was a study where they gave rats THC and figured out that when the process of lipolysis occurs, the breaking down of fat cells into fatty acids, the "stored" THC can be released and could do what you say happens to you, confirming other anecdotal evidence from stoners that they have felt the effects when stressed, under conditions of "food deprivation" (which is kinda what dieting is), and so on.

So the scientific evidence is there to back up what you say you feel, and I'm jealous because I got rid of over a quarter of my body weight and never got that extra high so I guess it all comes down to how "chronic" a stoner you are as I'm one of those who takes regular tolerance breaks which might make a difference to the levels stored in body fat.

Here's the study


i had the same thought. thc is stored in fat, if you're emptying out fat cells, you have to be re-absorbing that thc and breaking it down.
if you were a heavy smoker, or are losing a lot of weight quickly, it's releasing more, so you could quite conceivably be feeling that
@Fubard and @Roger A. Shrubber,
I figured there was something behind it.
I was smoking quite a bit almost everyday for nearly 9 months, so I stored up quite a bit I suppose.

@Fubard, You should count yourself lucky that you didn't have this reaction while losing weight, it's not as fun as getting high, it's a bit scary to be honest, like when you know you have smoked too much and you know there's nothing you can do about it but try and stay as relaxed as possible and wait for the cycling waves of high to stop.
Thankfully the reaction from releasing THC from fat seems to only last a few hours.

Thank you for all of your help, I appreciate it!
@Fubard and @Roger A. Shrubber,
I figured there was something behind it.
I was smoking quite a bit almost everyday for nearly 9 months, so I stored up quite a bit I suppose.

@Fubard, You should count yourself lucky that you didn't have this reaction while losing weight, it's not as fun as getting high, it's a bit scary to be honest, like when you know you have smoked too much and you know there's nothing you can do about it but try and stay as relaxed as possible and wait for the cycling waves of high to stop.
Thankfully the reaction from releasing THC from fat seems to only last a few hours.

Thank you for all of your help, I appreciate it!

Oh, I dunno, try the sort of cold sweat and shaking you get with a sudden blood sugar drop, but you don't know until you test your sugars if it is sugar levels or the effect of duloxetine and codeine. First time that happens makes your bum squeak a bit.
@Fubard, try taking a hit off a joint (or couple hits of a diluted vape) right after taking a lorazepam!
Wow, that's not a pretty time at all...
Not only does the high hit almost instantly but it hits like a freight train.
First time it happened I could barely make it to bed and once I got there I just laid there going through cycle after cycle of high until I finally crashed.
Won't do that again.

The same goes for anti-eplileptic medication and anti depressants...
All of which seems to make me very sensitive to cannabis as it is.

I have learned to wait at least 3-4 hours after taking any meds before smoking.
To me Lorazepam has virtually no effect. No idea why, but like many painkillers, etc, they do nothing, I think I've tried over a dozen sleep medications from old-school phenobarbs to the modern "Z-pills" and I lie there for 3 hours waiting for them to do something. Same as with pain meds, outside of opiates nothing really works and even then my tolerance goes so high so quickly if I use them daily for a month or so they get rendered almost useless and you didn't want to experience what I did when my body rejected Fentanyl.

SSRI's can give me very nasty side effects, but an SNRI like Duloxetine is something I can tolerate and I found out that if I timed everything right the combination of 60mg Duloxetine, Codeine, Valium and coffee, the last one being vital, gave me a relaxing high I could keep going for most of the day with a top up of the last three. I've seen grown men be like zombies on Tr@madol, yet it, at first, was good on pain but also gave me more energy whereas marching powder just made me sit there with a big smile on my face.

My body is strange with drugs, it always has been with me having to take adult doses of things like aspirin instead of the kiddie dose because it did not work. The only reasoning I can think of behind this was my mum came down with cervical cancer when she was pupped with me, she was given the choice of "Terminate or die" and she went "Fuck off on both", so don't even want to consider what sort of cocktail I was fed in the womb back in the late '60s but given what we know now regarding crack, smack and booze babies I've no doubt there must have been an effect on my physiology.

It's a bastard, I can tell thee, especially when you have something like a buggered back as finding something that works against pain is not easy and even weed ends up being used in ridiculous quantities. I can be off the stuff for a year and still go through an ounce in 2 weeks and never be so gaga'd I cannot function normally. In fact, weed is one of the few things that can have me vaguely normal thanks to the multi-faceted effects from the different cannabinoids, with CBD being one of the biggest in regard to pain control.

That's why I decided to learn the art of growing, because with the way my body works I'd need to win the lottery to be able to afford a constant supply of the amount I can go through, and I'm one of the few who gets his doc to bless doing so because he has to sit for ages trying to decide what to try next so if I find something that works he is happy because his life is easier.