Feeling froggy?


Well-Known Member
I just came in after watering my plants, sat down and opened up a web page.
Then all of a sudden I noticed something black on my white door, I automatically thought it was a huge ass spider so I was about to reach for a paper towel. Then I looked closer and there was a frog crawling around!
Named him Lucky :)



Well-Known Member
Gonna look in my garage for my reptile tank.
Im gonna name this one lucky, because its lucky that I diddnt smash it or not find it before it starved to death in my house.


Active Member
my dog likes to play with frogs sick basterd he barks at them if they dont hop around and then pushes then around with his nose till they do hop


Well-Known Member
I actually threw some grass seeds in the tank and they took off perfectly. Few days later I threw some seeds that diddn't germ and what do you know, one of them ended up growing inside my frog tank!
Its either Jackberry F2 or Killing Kush from sannieseeds.
Its got some coco on the leave, and its really yellow. I doubt its a good seed but I might as well try to grow it in there.