Feel so sorry for this dude.. :(


Active Member
Well.. I live in the UK..
And about a 2 minute walk away from my street. There is a house on a main bloody road.. And Im talking a road that we get mad rush hour on everyday.. And me and my stoner buddy keep walking past this one house and getting a mad fucking smell of the good old Ganja.. So the other day I walked past it again and got that same damn smell.. so I decided just to have a nice little gander at the house windows and shit.. And wouldn't you know it.. They've got thinks like bed sheets covering the windows so you cannot see inside... Now at this point... I'm pretty damn sure they are growing.. Only thing is.. You can smell that shit 3 doors away.. and the location sucks also... and we've got some fucking shitty damn laws about weed over here in the UK..
With the smell coming of this bitch. It's only a matter of time before they get caught.. I always wonder should I like leave 'em a note or something telling him to sort that smell out.. But If I did.. they'd prolly get spooked and jet with the plants and shit.

Or I could blackmail the motherfuckers. :P

Naw, either way.. I hope they sort that shit out. Or they're destined to be caught. :(


Well-Known Member
either way keeps him from getting busted... cause I mean if it smells like hardcore party every day walking by ya know its only time.


New Member
I'd go up to the door, knock, and tell them in a matter of fact nonchalant way, that you can smell new ganja from a block away. And its coming from their house. THye will get the message pretty quickly.


Well-Known Member
knock on the door and tell them in a nice way.. hey i know you're totally growing weed cause i can smell it 3 doors down. you should try getting some filtration system like a charcoal filter going. if you need help with it let me know.

I bet they kick you back some weed for the tip off. Im sure they are so used to the smell that they dont even realize how badly its smelling.


Well-Known Member
A few years ago there was a house near us that reeked of weed, they were obviously growing. Nobody lived in the house either, just a grow op, I think it was the Vietnamese, eventually they got busted , of course, they tore down the house too,I figure that they had gutted the walls out ,or chopped big holes in them for ductwork. I might have thought about warning them IF they hadn't been growing shite weed , and besides they ARE criminals, I don't want to encourage them.


Well-Known Member
A few years ago there was a house near us that reeked of weed, they were obviously growing. Nobody lived in the house either, just a grow op, I think it was the Vietnamese, eventually they got busted , of course, they tore down the house too,I figure that they had gutted the walls out ,or chopped big holes in them for ductwork. I might have thought about warning them IF they hadn't been growing shite weed , and besides they ARE criminals, I don't want to encourage them.
they are only criminals because the law is corrupt and fucked up


Active Member
or maybe a note that says..

Is your bud not growing? Trouble with skunky odor? Low PH?

come to rollitup.org and we will help you solve your growing problems!

and then sign with "carbon filter" as Socata recomended


Well-Known Member
No, the triads are criminals first.They only grow as a source of income, that's why they grow that M39 shite, they don't know any better and it sells well because it looks OK. Check out the news for coverage of the Vietnamese triads if you doubt me,,Guns , Violence, Etc.


Well-Known Member
Big profits in weed. One of the reasons that the price of weed on the street is skyrocketing is because organized crime groups know they can charge what they want. Ever heard of getting narced by other growers? It is becoming all too common nowadays for organized growers to intimidate or narc the average homegrower.

As they say, 'there is no honour among thieves'.

For the record, I'm not talking about people like FDD or others who grow for themselves and canna co-ops, but the mafia/triad/biker type operations.


Well-Known Member
anonamis note....carbon air filter...signed a green friend who keeps is fucking mouth closed


Well-Known Member
Well of course Gryphonn, it's not the small time hobby growers who hang out here that I'm talking about, it's the people who ONLY grow for profit, not for love of the sacred herb. I never deal with them, even if times are hard I always can find one of my fellow growers who can help me out. Of course I'm an old fart and have a lot of people I know,,


Well-Known Member
dont tell him, u will only get involved with hes stuff !

You wana grow stealth ?? dont bother let the others get the shit if there noobs.....

easy as that...

dont blackmail someone thats doing the same as you.......

the thing is i dont believe you, why would someone grow so much and not think of the smell ?!??????? rofl..... obivous....

hope all goes good for your streets suply ^^


Well-Known Member
the thing is i dont believe you, why would someone grow so much and not think of the smell ?!??????? rofl..... obivous....
because some people arent smart. its like a burglar who forgets to wear a mask and looks right into a camera. NOT EVERYONE has brains.

not to mention if youre around a smell long enough you stop smelling it. your senses become immune to that smell. why do you think cat people that have tons of cats that piss all over there house can live in that putrid smelling condition? its because their sense of smell has become immune to the stench and it is now just 'normal'


Well-Known Member
I think you should leave a note. you would be doing them a huge favor and you know the old saying ( do unto others as you would have them do unto you;) ) peace


Active Member
Hey. Thanks for all the tips people!
I left them a note yesterday reccomending a Charcoal filter!
And for the person who said I was lying? Why would I waste my time? =)