feeding vodka? could it help


Active Member
WELL SAID, Panhead!
This person should be isolated, and reprogrammed-there is no telling where this kind of advice could lead.
I have read about the miracle of mollasses, but you won't catch ME clogging up my plant's roots with anything but organic fertilizer of the cheaper variety.
Vodka is for me
mollasses is for the next batch of cookies my next honey will bake me.
Maybe the vodka will help in me meeting my next honey, but it will never touch my plants.
What the hell would you do when it's sunday, the liquor stores are closed, and your plants are screaming with the DT's ?
Huh smart guy?
AA doesn't help in these situatios!
Just riding you.....I don't see any reason to fuck with something in that way.
Experimenting is great- I do it when I have the extra space, but always research, research, then research again.
I know that you have brains, because you posted here to run it by the members before you kissed your plant's ass goodbye.
I don't believe anything about watering with mollasses. Anything thick and 96% sugars will just re-thicken after it comes in contact with the growing medium or hydro solution. It is a simple fact of chemistry- I did not discover this myself.


Active Member
BY the way, the only way to keep mollasses in suspention so the roots COULD absorb it would be to mix it with a solvent such as alcohol or vodka , hence, death


Well-Known Member
My plants love vodka!!!! I give em a handle a week and have seen massive growth on all branches!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I'm pretty sure this person who caims that his plants love vodka is probably not even old enough to buy it, let alone experiment with it.
This just goes into my file as "I'll believe it when I see it", and not just a bunch of pics that have been stolen from a book, but real hard-ass PROOF.


I'm pretty sure this person who caims that his plants love vodka is probably not even old enough to buy it, let alone experiment with it.
This just goes into my file as "I'll believe it when I see it", and not just a bunch of pics that have been stolen from a book, but real hard-ass PROOF.

well said! and since i will probly never try it, i doubt i will ever see it.

i guess for now i will drink my vodka:spew:


Active Member
its like cheech and chong ...where hes like "just piss on em" if anyone knows what im talkin about


Well-Known Member
If you carb-load your plants then there will be some alcohol in the soil.. Some other microbes will metabolize it beneficially at low concentrations.. Obviously though if its too much it will thrash everything..
I do know that my garden LOVES it when I dump fermentation/distillation leftovers on it and hose it down thoroughly.. Before hosing it down though those are over 10% alcohol..


Well-Known Member
When I get a chance I might just see how much liquor a plant can handle.. Too much is obviously retarded but alcohol is a simple carb..


well id be very interested in it, if u do you should make a grow log.


New Member
how do you think your plants would feel.... i think i'll let ol' Ripper sort it out for you(dude in picture).......................................A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.