Feeding Urine to your plants.

grow space

Well-Known Member
man-i mix some of my urine once a week with my nutrient solution(i Liter) and feed it to my plant-it responds to it well i think-shits just growing so hard.but be shure that you havent drinked any alcohol in 2-4 days.
peace man......

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Yup I'm on a real low budget grow already bought everything i'm gonna buy for now, but i've been mixing some of my mello yello in with their food and they seem to like it just fine.


I'm sure if you take vitamin supplements it might boost the urine. Has anyone tasted their crop? Notice any difference in taste?


Well-Known Member
Next time your somewhere that sells them, pick up some nitro/phos/pot testing stuff, and see how much of each is in your urine.


Active Member
Yeah dudes, there was just a thread on this earlier in the weed, er.. week. I accidentally typed that, but lol's are great, so I left it. Plus, baked.

Anyway, yeah, human urine contains very high levels of naturally occurring (..obviously..) nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, which are the three primo ingredients we give our plants. My whole grow plan is to spend as little as possible (so far, nothing) and see if I can come out with a good product. I've used a little cow manure I gathered from fields, and supplement that with diluted piss. Make immature jokes if you want to, but if works great. In fact, I'll laugh at all the people who spend big bucks on nute collections, when nutes come out of your body for freee... :D


Well-Known Member
dude urine works i said i did it in the beginningof my plants life and im still growing her right now and shes 3 feet tall , im not going to b.s about ussing urine . i did the experiment on it but itz all goos and im in flowering and shes real nice, but no piss for that .


Well-Known Member
how about this if ya plant dies i will throw you 2 fem white shark seeds bro how about that . try it and make sure you dilute the urine with water man . i gave my plant 9 0z of it which is about 200ml


Well-Known Member
hey heres some of my pics of my plant

to show you that it works also click my avatar and check my album to see how my plant looked b4 i used urine and the pics you see below are of her now and shes 8 days into flowering



Well-Known Member
hey heres some of my pics of my plant

to show you that it works also click my avatar and check my album to see how my plant looked b4 i used urine and the pics you see below are of her now and shes 8 days into flowering
The masses have spoken and turns out your urine can be used effectively as a fert thanks to those that stopped through and shared there experience. I guess if I was ever hard up I know what I would have to do.


Active Member
well i never, im just starting 4 plants rite now, im guna do this experiment, just on one of them mind see wat happens.
smoking my own piss, love it.


Active Member
Yeah man, do it. It's legit and it works. There is no effect on taste or anything to do with smell, appearance, etc. Literally all that happens is the roots pull the nutrients out and use it for growth, etc, just like they would with other organic nutrients. Plants use all the elements and nutrients that animals don't, so what to us is a waste product is a superfood to plants.

Read this article! It goes through the how and why and tells you what you want to know. Fascinated the hell out of me.



Well-Known Member
urine contains a compound called Urea. its nitrogen binded with hydrogen. Urea itself can be beneficial to plants in vegging.
urine also contain ammonia which i dont know the effect on plants is. As for the contamination thing, urine is also completely sterile.


New Member
mmmm sounds like fun..lol im hard up. fuck it i feed my plants water with turtle crap and piss and also that of fish. im cool.
can i just say that if anyone wants good free soil find a place where stinging nettles grow and clear them away and bag some soil nettles when they die leave nitrogen crystals this will be excellent soil there are other plants that leave nitrogen when they die but i dont know what they are sorry! will feed if i find out happy toking


Active Member
Huh, good info. That's interesting, I'll have to look it up. I do believe that there are tons of nettles in the fields around here, I may be in nitrogen land. Cow manure, horse manure, urine, now nettles.. all this free nutage is cool.